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AFA Announces 2006 Award Winners

Lafayette, IN - On October 12, 2006, during the opening session at the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) convention in Scottsdale, AZ, the Audiology Foundation of America (AFA) bestowed its highest honor, the "AFA Award for Educational Excellence," as well as two other significant awards - the "David P. Goldstein, Ph.D., Outstanding Audiologist" award and the "Leo Doerfler Memorial Scholarship."

The AFA Award for Educational Excellence was presented this year to two schools - the Northeast Ohio Au.D. Consortium (NOAC) and the University of Florida. Dr. Sharon Lesner accepted the award for NOAC, and Drs. Mary Anne Pinner and Debra Shimon accepted the award for Florida.

NOAC opened its doors in 2003, combining the strength of two nationally recognized audiology programs - the University of Akron and Kent State University - as well as the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, an internationally recognized healthcare provider that offers a broad range of clinical opportunities to NOAC students as they progress through their Au.D. program.

The University of Florida's program, founded in 1998, was one of the first to offer residential Au.D. education. The university is home to several worldclass healthcare facilities, which allow its Au.D. students to gain high-quality clinical experience in a wide range of areas, and with a scope and complexity that consistently prepares them for the future.

The second annual "David P. Goldstein Outstanding Audiologist Award" was presented to Nancy Green, Au.D. The award recognizes the accomplishments of an audiologist who has made significant contributions to the profession by promoting the transformation of audiology to a doctoral profession with the Au.D. as its distinctive designator. The award also holds as core values the importance of setting an example for future audiologists as well as excellence in providing quality patient care.

The award honors Dr. David Goldstein, founding chair of the AFA, for his devotion to the improvement of education for future audiologists and the promotion of the Au.D. degree. Dr. Goldstein is professor emeritus at Purdue University.

Dr. Green is an industrial audiologist in Jacksonville, FL, and earned her Au.D. as a member of the Arizona School of Health Sciences' first graduating class. She has served on its faculty since then, teaching a "Professional Roles and Responsibilities" class that has helped shape the attitudes and mind-sets of hundreds of new graduates throughout the country.

The final AFA presentation, made for the first time, was the Leo Doerfler Memorial Scholarship. Its recipient, Dr. Kristin Johnston, received her Au.D. in May from the University of Florida, and is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program with an expected graduation date of 2008. The scholarship honors Dr. Doerfler's understanding and commitment to scientific endeavors in audiology.

"These three awards acknowledge the passion, commitment and hard work contributed by these schools, and individuals, on behalf of the audiology profession," said AFA Executive Director Susan Paarlberg. "It is with pleasure that the AFA recognizes their success. We know audiology patients will be well served with such quality educators and future practitioners honing their skills."

Sharon Sandridge, Ph.D., second from left, and Sharon Lesner, Ph.D., third from left, accept the "AFA Award for Educational Excellence" for NOAC from Ken Lowder, Au.D., left, AFA Chair, and Susan Paarlberg, right, AFA Executive Director.

University of Florida faculty members Mary Anne Pinner, Au.D., left, and Debra Shimon, Au.D., right, receive the "AFA Award for Educational Excellence."

Nancy Green, Au.D., center, pictured with Dr. David Goldstein, left, founding chair of the AFA, and Ken Lowder, Au.D., right, current AFA Chair, received the 2006 "David P. Goldstein Outstanding Audiologist Award."

Pictured, from left, are Ken Lowder, Au.D., AFA Chair, Kristin Johnston, winner of the Leo Doerfler Memorial Scholarship, and Susan B. Paarlberg, AFA executive director.
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