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Academy Announces New Executive Director


(Reston, VA–September 2, 2014)—The Board of Directors of the American Academy of Audiology (the "Academy") has selected Tanya Tolpegin, MBA, CAE, as their new executive director, effective October 6, 2014. Ms. Tolpegin holds an MBA from the University of Virginia (UVA) Darden School of Business, a bachelor of science degree in systems engineering from UVA and is a certified association executive (CAE). She has held management and leadership positions in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors, and joins the Academy following six years as the executive director of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography.

"On behalf of the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Audiology, it is my pleasure to announce the selection of Ms. Tanya Tolpegin as the next executive director of the Academy," stated Erin L. Miller, AuD, Academy president. "The board appointed a search committee in January 2014 with representatives from the board, past leadership, members-at-large, and the Academy staff. In Ms. Tolpegin, the board found a capable, optimistic, and energetic leader with the necessary experience and proven record of success in association management to lead Academy operations."

"The dedication and commitment of the Academy leadership and members to the field of audiology is impressive," said Tolpegin. "I look forward to helping the organization, our members, and our industry partners achieve the vision for the field."

Ms. Tolpegin has been an active member of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) and the American Association of Medical Society Executives (AAMSE). She served as chair of the ASAE Finance, HR, Business Operations Conference in 2012 and 2013, was a Finance and Business Operations Council member from 2010–2013, helped shape the new CAE exam, served as an ASAE faculty for many educational activities, and is currently a member of the Small Staff Committee. She also serves on the Leadership Committee of the AAMSE and has been active in this organization since 2008.

The Academy Search Committee, headed by immediate Past President Bettie Borton, worked for over six months to identify the best candidate for this important position. Ms. Tolpegin was selected from an initial group of approximately 150 applicants. "The Board of Directors would like to thank the Search Committee: Angela Shoup, PhD, representing the members-at-large; Gail Whitelaw, PhD, representing past presidents/leadership; Melissa Sinden, former senior director of government relations, and Amy Miedema, CAE, senior director of communications, representing the Academy staff; Tony Joseph, PhD, AuD, representing the Board of Directors; and Past President Deb Carlson, PhD; immediate Past President Bettie Borton, AuD; and President Erin L Miller, AuD. As we begin this new era of leadership for the Academy operations, we are confident that Ms. Tolpegin's experience will help make the Academy a stronger and more effective association that will continue to advance the profession of audiology," said Miller. 

The American Academy of Audiology is the world's largest professional organization of, by, and for audiologists. With an active membership of almost 12,000 audiologists, the Academy promotes quality hearing and balance care by advancing the profession of audiology through leadership, advocacy, education, public awareness, and support of research. For more information about the American Academy of Audiology, visit and

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