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MED-EL - Implant Experience - August 2023

7th International Symposium on Objective Measures on Auditory Implants


The 7th International symposium is hosted by the University Medical Centers of Leiden and Nijmegen on 19 - 22 September 2012, and focuses on objective measures in the field of electrical and mechanical stimulation of the auditory system. Both clinical and fundamental aspects will be addressed: new developments in imaging, recording and stimulation of the auditory system by cochlear and brainstem implants, vestibular implants, active middle ear implants and bone conduction devices.

Amsterdam is within easy reach of all European capitals. The symposium's venue is conveniently located near the city center and has direct access to public transport. All information regarding the venue, preliminary program, registration and abstract submission is available on the website of the symposium now:

We are proud to announce that four renown keynote speakers have confirmed to present a lecture at our symposium:

Prof.dr. Andrej Kral
"Cell biology and cochlear implants: a happy marriage"

Prof.dr. Jay T. Rubinstein
"Past, present and future of objective measures"

Prof.dr. John Middlebrooks
"Is there a future for direct neuronal stimulation?"

Prof.dr. Paddy French
"Next generation sensors and actuators in medicine"
Registration is open now! We have succeeded in keeping registration fees very low. Early birds will ensure themselves an exciting program for 390 euro only!

For more information, visit

We hope to welcome you in Amsterdam!
Industry Innovations Summit Live CE Feb. 1-28

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