Hear what industry-leading experts are saying about the latest topics.
Interview with Bernice Dinner Ph.D., Founder, Hear Now
June 13, 2000
Hearing Aids - Adults Cochlear Implants
Interview with David Fabry Ph.D., President-Elect American Academy of Audiology
June 8, 2000
Practice Management and Professional Issues
Interview with Paul Thompson Chief Operating Officer, Unitron Hearing
May 24, 2000
Hearing Aids - Adults
Interview with George Osborne Ph.D., Dean, Pennsylvania College of Optometry School of Audiology
May 11, 2000
Practice Management and Professional Issues
Interview with Bryan Liang, M.D., Ph.D., J.D. and Arthur W. Grayson Professor of Law & Medicine, Southern Illinois University Schools of Law and Medicine
May 9, 2000
Legal Issues & Ethics in Audiology Read More
Practice Management and Professional Issues
Interview with Tabitha Parent Au.D., Chair of Audiology, Arizona School of Health Sciences Distance Education Au.D. Program
April 14, 2000
Practice Management and Professional Issues