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Bernafon - Hearing Aids - April 2024

Interview with Tony Sulsona, VP of Sales and Marketing, & Duane Higginbotham, Audiology and Education Specialist, Bernafon US

Tony Sulsona

December 24, 2007

Topic: BRITE - Who Says Hearing Aids Have to Be Big Beige and Boring?
Paul Dybala: Hello everybody, this is Dr. Paul Dybala with Audiology Online and I'm interviewing two folks from Bernafon: Tony Sulsona and Duane Higginbotham. I'll go ahead and say thanks to the two of you for being here today. If you could, both of you say hello and tell a little bit about what you do for Bernafon. Tony, I'll actually turn it over to you first.

Tony Sulsona: Thank you, Paul. Nice speaking with you again. My name is Tony Sulsona and I am the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Bernafon U.S. My role is to lead a talented group of Bernafon professionals in the U.S. in the areas of sales and marketing.

Dybala: Excellent. Duane, if you could give a little bit about yourself.

Duane Higginbotham: Well, thank you, Paul. My name is Duane Higginbotham. I'm relatively new to Bernafon, having arrived here in February of 2007. My duties are centered on the areas of audiology and education training for Bernafon U.S. I've actually been around audiology and hearing aids for several years, so this is a nice place to end up.

Dybala: Great, thanks. We're here talking today about a new product from Bernafon. It's called the BRITE product, or Bernafon receiver in-the-ear device.

There are a lot of manufacturers releasing receiver-in-the-ear or receiver-in-the-canal hearing aids. It is one of the big trends in the industry. So my first question is what makes the BRITE different from other receiver-in-the-ear devices?

Sulsona: Great question. To start with, BRITE is an award winning hearing aid. It recently received the Reddot Design Award, which is a pretty big honor. To give you an overview, the Reddot Design Award is one of the leading and largest world-wide design competitions. There are a number of marquee companies that have been involved in submission for product designs in which they are nominated.

The BRITE design was submitted in the product design category along with over 2, 500 entries representing 43 nations and was awarded the distinguished award. Considering the number and quality of global companies that submit for this prestigious award, Bernafon is very pleased and very proud to have been the recipient of this year's Reddot Award for the BRITE receiver-in-the-ear product.

I would also add that the difference in the presentation of the Bernafon receiver-in-the-ear product in an industry where the modality for receiver-in-the-ears has certainly blossomed is in two arenas: in its design and in its performance.

The design is an instant-fitting device with multiple color adaptations and sizes that are centered on a fashion-driven concept. Performance is based on our success with the lifestyle-driven technology platform.

Dybala: I think what's important to emphasize about this award is that the BRITE design was put up against all kinds of other consumer devices, correct? It's not like it was just competing against other hearing aids.

Higginbotham: Yes, that is true. This was not solely one hearing aid manufacturer competing against another hearing aid manufacturer for design. This was across the board, products from all walks of life.

Dybala: Could you give a little insight as to why you decided to make it the shape that it is?

Higginbotham: Well, it's referred to as an "iconic" shape, which is certainly a distinctive and discrete design. And to reiterate Tony's point, it really is the goal to appeal to fashion and function at the same time.

Bernafon BRITE

We did expect with this particular design that it was going to appeal to perhaps a more active, middle-aged group. I hate to use the word "middle-aged" because I seem to be approaching that age [laughs]! But this is a market which we have not penetrated as well as we could have in the past, perhaps.

One of the advantages to the product itself is that the speaker unit is 20% smaller than what we will see with the rest of industry. That, in and of itself, provides a host of advantages to those of us who have fit hearing aids over the years and have encountered any number of problems associated with smaller ears, sharp bends in the ear canal, or a stenotic or a carrot-shaped ear canal, which is very difficult to successfully fit.

With this small receiver unit, we'll be able to satisfactorily fit these individuals, provide them with a product that will allow them to hear better, and also have a sense of fashion with it as well.

Dybala: I know that in some of the other Bernafon open-ear fitting kits you have modular solutions where you can change certain parts out, such as tube lengths. This would also be a part of the BRITE, correct?

Higginbotham: That is correct. The receiver unit itself is composed of a wire unit that goes from the body of the instrument to the receiver or speaker unit. Those come in different lengths; different sized lengths are not typically unique. What does make it unique, however, is, for lack of a better term, the memory wire.

If, by chance, you need to lengthen or shorten the wire, or perhaps put an odd bend into it, simply heat the wire, bend it to the appropriate position, and hold it in that position for about a minute. It will retain that position to form-fit the individual's ear. If it turns out that you didn't do it quite right and you want to repeat it, reheating the wire brings it back to its original form, and you can start over again. There is a great deal of flexibility with this.

Bernafon's BRITE hearing aid line

Dybala: Could you tell me a little bit about what options you have for wax protection?

Higginbotham: There is a dedicated wax filter built into the dome itself, as well as disposable wax stops that can be removed and replaced. Even though this aid on the surface might appear to be something that's fit for a mild to moderate high-frequency hearing loss, with the addition of a micro-mold you can obviously occlude the canal a little bit more and be able to fit a more severe hearing loss. That same wax filter is also incorporated within that micro-mold.

Dybala: I see. Well, the other thing that I wanted to touch on, and Tony, you gave a perfect introduction for this earlier, is about the internal performance of the hearing aid. This relates to Bernafon's lifestyle-driven technology that we have spoken about in some of our previous interviews. Could you give an overview of exactly what that is, what it's based on, and what you've seen, as far as how effective that's been?

Sulsona: Certainly, Paul. The implementation of Lifestyle-Driven Technology; which Bernafon introduced with the launch of the ICOS family of products, has been very well received by hearing care professionals and end-users, and has become another success story at Bernafon - so much so, that we've incorporated Lifestyle-Driven Technology into other product categories, as is the case with the premium BRITE instrument.

In essence, Lifestyle-Driven Technology allows the professional dispenser to gather personal lifestyle information from the patient and build a personalized program(s) for that patient in order to accommodate their lifestyle profile.

Along with personalized programming and environmental adaptivity, patients can benefit from the BRITE instrument in meeting their needs from a design point, in other words, discrete size, optional fashion colors; as well as from personalized performance.

Dybala: What's the type of response that you've been getting, from both professionals and users, in applying Lifestyle based fitting profiles?

Higginbotham: The response we've been getting is extremely positive, from both sides of the equation, both from the dispenser, the audiologist, as well as the end user. The Lifestyle Profile, which is a collection of data based on the COSI, allows the end user to be a participant in the process of establishing what a priority is for them.

These patients don't exist in a vacuum. They move from location to location throughout the course of the day. There are areas of their life, be it work or travel or leisure, whatever it might be, that are of a higher priority for them than other activities. The ability of this system, and the Lifestyle Profile, to identify those things and then use that information to automatically set the adaptive features of the product works really well. We end up with a functioning product that meets the needs of the end user much better than we've seen in the past.

Obviously, the satisfaction for the end user is quite high, and the professional dispensing the product is happy as well, because there are fewer complaints and less activity involved in follow-up visits.

Dybala: The BRITE device is available now, and Tony, it's my understanding that you have a pretty interesting marketing campaign that Bernafon has rolled out with this as well, correct?

Bernafon's BRITE advertisements

Sulsona: That's true. The rationale behind the shape of the instrument is that it's a very natural looking shape. Based on that design, we have launched a U.S. and global advertising campaign which is extremely colorful and truly unique to the industry. It's centered on design and color - hence, the background of olives or plum tomatoes or grapes; which relates to the BRITE's tiny, discrete size and different color options - and the meaningful tagline: "Who said hearing aids had to be big, beige, and boring?"

Dybala: [laughs] Clever.

Sulsona: What's more, we have received a lot of requests from hearing care professionals asking to conduct co-op BRITE marketing campaigns, as well as receiving compliments on our campaign.

Dybala: Now, just so I'm clear, is this a marketing campaign to the industry? It also sounds like it might possibly be a marketing campaign direct to the consumer.

Sulsona: Actually, Paul, it's universal. BRITE's message, "Who said hearing aids had to be big, beige, and boring?" is understood by both end-users and hearing care professionals alike. Hopefully, we'll hear people saying: "We're having a BRITE day." Yes, that's an intentional pun. [Laughs]

Dybala: [laughs] Well, gentlemen, thank you so much for meeting with me today. For anyone wanting additional information on BRITE, you can go to a couple places: go to the Bernafon USA website at or check out the Bernafon Web Channel here on Audiology Online.

With that, I'm going to go ahead and close out the interview. Duane and Tony, thank you so much for meeting with me today, and I'm sure I'll be talking to you in the future.

Sulsona: Thank you.

Higginbotham: Thanks again, Paul.

About Bernafon:

The Bernafon Group operates with a worldwide network of 14 sales companies and independent distributors in over 40 countries, which allows us to offer our customers rapid service at all times. Find out more about our Research and Development and production facilities or contact
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Tony Sulsona

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