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Sycle OTC Hearing Industry Panel Discussion Post Event - July 2021

Interview with Ridge Sampson,

Ridge Sampson

July 31, 2006

Topic: Web-Based Practice Management Systems
Dybala: Hello everyone! It was just a few years ago that the Internet created a communication and information revolution and this has impacted our society and profession in multiple ways. I remember when it seemed almost radical to shop online and just this past holiday season online retail spending was estimated at $25 billion dollars, a 25 percent increase over the previous year (Mills, 2005).

Sycle is leveraging the high-speed Internet access that is now widely available and taking hearing care management software to the next level. I am spending some time with Ridge Sampson today from Sycle, to talk about their turn key office management solution. Ridge, thank you for spending some time with me today.

Sampson: Great to be here, Paul.

Dybala: If you could, tell us a little about your background professionally and what your position and job function is with Sycle.

Sampson: Well, last time I checked I was President. As far as job function, I manage our marketing efforts, like advertising on AO as well as the Sycle product. Ultimately, I decide what new features we're going to add and how the User Interface is going to work. As we've been growing I've been able to hand off more and more of this. Professionally, my background is in advertising and I have a firm called Ozone Online which specializes in online advertising. Our clients include: AOL, Adobe, Autodesk, Intuit [makers of Quick Books which Sycle interfaces with] and McAfee among others.

Dybala: So what inspired you to get into office management software for the hearing healthcare field? I am also a little bit of an etymology buff, what is the background behind the name Sycle?

Sampson: Funny question. Ozone Advertising was the original agency for Sonus about ten years ago, which at the time was called Healthcare Capital Corporation...pretty snappy. Anyway, we renamed them, branded them and produced all their advertising for the first couple of years. Then more recently, Ozone had been doing a lot of database work for our Silicon Valley clients. I was having coffee in San Francisco with Randy Drullinger, our former client and he was telling me about how he was using a service that would allow you to create snail mail campaigns by uploading lists online.

I hope I don't offend any Audiologists, but in my experience they were very reluctant marketers. So, what if we do the marketing for them? Based on the outcome of the appointment we can have a database merge the mail, automatically send it to a bonded mail house and get it in people's hands without the clinic ever having to do anything but record the outcome of the appointment. Sycle was born right there in the coffee shop.

Oh, and the name is combination of System and Cycle, in our case the end goal is closed loop CRM marketing and patient management system.

Dybala: Well, Southwest Airlines was founded based on a simple drawing of a triangle made on a cocktail napkin, so I think Sycle being founded in a coffee shop puts you in good company! Sycle is an innovator in the area of office software development as you are completely web-based. Before we get into why someone would want to use web-based software, can you give me an overview of the basic features of Sycle?

Sampson: Sycle is a full-featured office management system. This system covers everything from scheduling, to billing and also includes the most powerful customer management tool anywhere in the industry. Our system helps you not only to manage your patient data, it actually helps the data work for you and maintain relationships with your customers. In most industries it costs six times more to acquire a new customer than keep a current one. By the way, based on a traditional direct mail drop, we estimate, conservatively, that it costs approximately $450 to acquire a new customer. Sycle is a marketing machine. It was designed and built from a perspective of growing a practice, not just recording what happened historically.

I have provided a screen shot of our scheduling page to give your readers an example of just one of the many capabilities that we have available. We have some interactive screenshots of the four main areas: Scheduling, Reporting, Marketing and Administration at

Figure 1. A screen shot of the Sycle scheduling screen.

Dybala: I know that outside of the hearing healthcare industry there are multiple software providers who are offering web-based software. As a personal example, the past two years my wife and I have completed and filed our federal income tax online using a web-based service. We like using this online service as they update all the tax information each year automatically and there is zero paper (unless we want to print things out). It tells us what financial information we need to submit and does everything for us. It is like having your own personal tax accountant! You have approached office management software from the same angle. Tell us more about this model and some of the advantages of using a web-based office management system.

Sampson: We are what you call in the information technology world, an Application Service Provider company or ASP. Basically people can use our software from anywhere and we're able to maintain and constantly improve it. It's instantly networked, you don't need an IT expert, just a computer and an internet connection. We make it simple for the clinic owner, which allows them to spend more time with patients rather than fiddling around trying to load software or figure out why it crashed. There are multiple examples of how this is being used in business today. You mention the online tax filing service as one example, another I like to mention is This software is used by over 1400 companies to manage sales leads and customer relations. The companies using this software include names such as AVIS Rental Car and Nokia and the total number of users is at around 225,000. Web-based software is quickly becoming the standard for delivering powerful and innovative business systems that are always up-to-date. What I mean by up-to-date is that because the software is delivered via the web, users are always working with the latest version of the software. When new and updated modules are created they are available the next time a user logs onto the system. By the way, as a company we also walk the talk. We utilize a number of ASP services to run and manage Sycle including:, Voip telephones, online project management software as well as an online bug tool to manage making and implementing changes to Sycle.

Dybala: You do not have to wait for a CD in the mail and you do not have to spend time going from computer to computer installing software.

Sampson: Exactly, and you lead me to another point. The need to update and maintain office software is one of those hidden costs [time and money] that people don't think about. You have to be your own computer support department. Also, installing new software may also result in you having to upgrade the computer hardware as well. You have to think about backing up your data on a regular basis, data security, HIPAA compliance, the list goes on and the costs add up. The reality is that with other systems you can end up working for your patient management system. Instead, Sycle's model has the patient management system working for you, your practice and your patients.

Dybala: I ran into a colleague at the airport on the way to a convention and she uses Sycle for her practice. She mentioned that she is able to login from home if she needs to check something as opposed to going into the office. She likes the flexibility of being able to access her office data from multiple locations.

Sampson: This is another huge cost savings benefit of using Sycle. If you were planning to connect multiple offices, or connect from your home, there would be additional costs for "networking" your systems. This can typically involve a computer consultant, possibly a server, and of course the need to maintain this network. Again, with Sycle, this is all simplified. All you need is the Internet Explorer web browser and high-speed internet access and you have a system that is up-to-date, accessible from multiple access points and affordable.

One other thing I want to mention is that accessing from home is more than just a convenience factor for the owner; it is a customer service factor for your patients. We have many single office customers and they are the owner, billing and scheduling department and the janitor. When they are not in the office, the office is really limited in how it can serve patients. We have had customers that for several reasons were not able to access their offices due to poor weather conditions such as winter storms or when other personal issues prevent them from getting into the office on a given day. They are able to use Sycle to login from home, look up appointments and reschedule them. More than a convenience factor for the practice owner, you are able to give improved customer service to your patients. Other practices schedule appointments for all of their clinics from one location, which is especially helpful with part time locations. Then there are hurricanes. Imagine showing up to your office and it's literally not there. Just gone. Log on to the Internet and there's your office.

Dybala: I guess with a system like this you and your users are always learning new ways to use it.

Sampson: I think this is one of the greatest assets of our system. We are continually getting input from our users and then updating the system. All of our users benefit from these "best practices" suggestions from individuals not only on how to improve the software itself, but how to use the software. You may be in a single office, but your software is constantly being improved via input from thousands of users.

Dybala: Let's talk about cost. You have mentioned that the software is affordable and the cost savings exceed that of traditional office software. What does it cost for someone to use Sycle?

Sampson: Sycle is $149 per month per clinic location - unlimited users or seats as they are called. Software is often seen as a necessary evil, also known as an expense. How does this save you money? We help you to save time and grow your business. We help keep hidden IT costs down and with services such as automated direct marketing you have the potential to increase a practice's net revenue and reduce labor costs. Many Sycle customers have recognized a 20% increase in sales and a 70% increase in practice efficacies. As an added benefit, the monthly fee is a line item expense (as opposed to purchasing software, which has to be depreciated). I think if any clinic owner were to calculate even a 10% bump in sales, the cost of Sycle becomes an afterthought. In addition to that, many manufacturers and networks in the industry have recognized this and are supporting clinics in using Sycle. Ask your sales rep or associate if you can use business development funds or about a subsidized price.

Dybala: Well that is impressive. I think that some people may get stuck on the fact that they are paying the monthly fee, as they are used to the old model of paying a one time fee. I think what they forget is that they are paying for more than just a piece of software. Your fees include automatic software upgrades, training, data security, remote access, backups, and the "best practices" support provided by Sycle.

Sampson: Yes, often the cost of the software is just the tip of the iceberg. It often accounts for only 10% of the "total cost of ownership" When you factor in: IT consultants, extra servers, computer hardware upgrades, training, software upgrades, the hours and hours of fighting viruses and keeping stand alone systems running, down time when a local computer or server crashes, disaster recovery when a hard drive gives up the ghost, time taken away from seeing patients etc. it becomes a no brainer.

One of our competitors offers two days of training included in the $16,000 software purchase price. Well, another way to look at it is, I now have people out of the office for two full days and I have to do this every time I have any turnover. What does that cost a clinic in salaries and lost sales? We can train just about anyone anywhere in an hour or two. Plus the training is free.

Dybala: You mentioned improved security being a benefit of Sycle. Tell me more about that.

Sampson: We have partnered with IBM as our data storage and hosting partner. Patient data resides in an IBM data center in one of the most secure environments available today. IBM uses the most advanced firewall technology in existence. The actual building is encased in two-foot thick concrete walls and requires hand print recognition for physical entry. The data center is directly attached to the Internet backbone via three telcos to ensure a 99.99% uptime; the data center also has two diesel backup generators and days worth of fuel standing by in case of a major power outage. One other thing I would like to mention is the fact that Sycle is not only secure, but fully HIPAA compliant as well.

Dybala: I would say, it sounds like the data is actually safer than it would be in a professional's office! While I do know that many places have double-walled sound proof booths, I would assume that very few have two-foot thick concrete walls.

How about down time? Do people run into any issues with connecting to Sycle due to internet connection issues?

Sampson: Occasionally they have local internet issues and we have had a couple of issues ourselves. Well, I think we've had three issues in four years. The good news is that we have an entire IBM team that monitors and maintains our systems 24/7. We work very closely with them. Their job is to make sure we are up and have access to the internet, maintain firewalls and hardware. Our job is to maintain the product.

Dybala: Ok, so you have convinced me that I need to migrate to Sycle as my practice management software. How would I move my existing data to your systems and how fast would this occur? Take me through a typical scenario.

Sampson: Well, first you sign up on our site This will put our install team into action. You will immediately receive emails taking you through the process. We'll ask you for your database, a logo, and set up training. We'll then set up your clinic, upload your data and provide you with passwords and training. And you're off to the races. This process can happen in 24hrs or a week or two depending on the complexity of the database and how quickly we can schedule training. By the way, Sycle is incredibly easy to use. I think after watching a few videos on our site you could easily figure anything out.

Dybala: So we have a powerful, scalable, secure office management system that is also affordable, easy to use and easy to migrate to. One of the features you mentioned at the start of this interview is how the system works with my patients. Can you tell us more about what Sycle can do?

Sampson: Paul, this is really where Sycle can make an even bigger impact on your practice. Imagine if you had the ability to quickly and easily answer the following questions:

  • Which of your patients have been tested at your practice, but have not moved forward with hearing aid?

  • Which patients have hearing aid warranties that are expiring this month or have a birthday this week?

  • Which patients have high-frequency hearing loss and are wearing 4 year old technology and could be good candidates for some of the newer open-fit devices that are now available?

  • Which patients are monaural?

  • What were my sales in the last hour or minute? What were my binaural rate, close rate, return rate?
Using Sycle, answers to these questions are all instantly available with real time data.

Dybala: Having that type of information at your fingertips would really take your business and your patient care to the next level.

Sampson: Sycle allows you to answer these questions quickly and easily, but this is really only half of the equation. Paul, I bet you know what the other half is.

Dybala: You have to send out correspondence to all of these persons, and that is a lot of stamp licking!

Sampson: That's funny. I was speaking to Carol, the marketing manager for one of our larger clients and she told me they send out thousands of pieces per month. I was shocked and said "Carol, tell me you don't lick all those stamps?" her response was priceless, "No silly, Sue does it!" In reality, the mail feature really helps the smaller practices; the mail is usually the first thing that gets forgotten if the clinic gets busy. When we were developing Sycle we asked ourselves, "What good is all of this information if someone cannot quickly and easily act on it?" Our online system will allow you to setup customized mailings to go out automatically either through us or you can export to Excel and send off to your mailing service. The secret sauce is that Sycle can actually be proactive on these types of tasks. Instead of you searching your database manually, the system can automatically merge and send letters for you based on the appointment outcome and dates while you're sleeping. For example, if you saw a candidate and they did not purchase, a "tested not sold" letter would automatically go out. You can use our formatted letter or send us your own. Other letters include: warranty expiration, appointment confirmation, annual hearing test, clean and check, birthday, thank you and more. I have provided a screen shot of a sample letter that Sycle can send out. Notice that we customize with your practice logo. The patient information is all pulled and merged from the database. It's even personalized in that it comes from the patient's hearing care provider.

Figure 2. Sample of Sycle customized mailer.

Dybala: That sounds great. Can we talk about integration with other software and how that makes a clinic more efficient? Any plans for NOAH integration?

Sampson: Paul, you're asking me to give away top secret future plans! Well, first I'd like to address integration. Many clinics are running up to four or more separate systems or databases: Patient management, QuickBooks, Insurance billing, and NOAH. That takes double entry to a new level. And of course, as soon as you have more than one database, no two match. Today, Sycle is integrated with QuickBooks and WebMD or Emdeon as they are now called for electronic insurance billing. That's three out of four. You only have to enter a patient's data once. And to reveal what we are working on...we have purchased a HIMSA developer's license and currently have a team of programmers locked in a room integrating Sycle with NOAH. If all goes according to plan, Sycle will hold the patient audiometric and demographic data allowing a clinic access from anywhere. It will also be held locally in NOAH but it allows you the freedom to see a patient in multiple locations or multiple rooms within a clinic. Or should your computer or clinic disappear, you'll still have your NOAH data.

Dybala: I have several professional colleagues who use Sycle and have said good things about your system and so it was a pleasure sitting down and talking with you today. Thank you for your time, Ridge. Do you have any parting words about Sycle for our readers today?

Sampson: Sure, sign up today! Click on the link,, and sign up for Sycle or sign up for our guided tour. We'll walk you through Sycle and answer any questions you might have. And, if you prefer to explore on your own, we have demo movies and screenshots for you to peruse.

About Sycle:

Sycle, the number one hearing care practice management system is designed to market and grow your business. Multiple office locations are instantly networked together. Integrated marketing features, such as referral tracking and automated customer retention mail, along with callback reminders and online insurance billing, guarantee increased sales and efficiency. Sycle eliminates needless double entry by synchronizing with QuickBooks. Free training, support and upgrades mean there are no hidden fees. Visit Sycle's new website at and sign up for a free, online guided tour.


Mills, E. (2005, December 27). Online retailers report record holiday sales. ZD Net News: Web Technology. Retrieved on March 24, 2006 from
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ridge sampson

Ridge Sampson

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