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Interview with Oaktree Products' AudiologyNOW! Dream Team

Sassy B. Kemp

May 3, 2010

Topic: Hot Products You Should Know About
CAROLYN SMAKA: This is Carolyn Smaka from AudiologyOnline, and I've lassoed the entire Oaktree Products team here at AudiologyNOW! for a quick discussion of the hot products they're showing in their very popular and very busy booth here at the convention. Thanks for your time, everyone!

A.U. BANKAITIS: Thank you, Carolyn.

SMAKA: Alison, what product do you feel has been most interesting to the professionals you've been speaking with here at AudiologyNOW?

Dana Drady, Katie Kemp, Anne Walker and Alison Dees of Oaktree Products take in a San Diego Padres game before the 2010 AudiologyNOW! Convention.

ALISON DEES: Well, it's hard to choose one, so I'll choose two. [laughs].

SMAKA: [laughs]

DEES: We are showing some video otoscopes that have been very popular with professionals around the globe. Two in particular that have garnered a lot of interest and orders are the Welch Allyn Digital Macroview and the Dino-Lite.

The Welch Allyn Digital Macroview is a high-end video otoscope that has amazing resolution, yet it's plug and play, so it's simple to use. It also enables you to store and share images, which can be useful in sending reports, collaborating with colleagues, etc. It's really among the best available, and it's impressive the amount of detail you can see with it.

The Dino-Lite, on the other hand, has another benefit, primarily its low cost. It's an easy-to-use, hand held video otoscope that generates incredible images at a very low price. It measures only 4 inches long and less than 2 inches wide, so it's smaller than your iPhone. It uses a USB connection to a laptop or PC. Professionals aren't aware that this quality, low cost option is out there, and once they find out, they order it. Because of its price point, some professionals who already have a video otoscope will order the Dino-Lite as second video otoscope for their office or for a satellite office.

SMAKA: Wow, I never thought I'd refer to a video otoscope as cute, but the Dino-Lite is really small and cute! [laughs]

The Dino-Lite is a quality, small, low cost video otoscope

DEES: Well, that's the first time we've heard that one, but I'd have to agree with you!

SMAKA: Thanks, Alison. Dana, it looks like you've been very busy talking to professionals about those earbuds. Can you tell me about them?

KidzSafe® earbuds limit the output of any audio device to 85 dB, for safer listening

DANA DRADY: I would love to, because it's an important product whose time has come. These are called KidzSafe® earbuds, and they're designed to help prevent noise-induced hearing loss, which, as you know, is a growing concern, especially in children. KidzSafe® earbuds are compatible with any audio device. No matter how high the wearer turns up the volume on the audio device, KidzSafe® earbuds will ensure the volume remains below 85 dB. This is the level where hearing damage can begin. They're also really durable, as required for any product that's going to be used by kids. They're low cost, so we're seeing professionals stock up for their offices, and even purchase them for their own kids.

SMAKA: Thinking about my son...will they work with the Nintendo DSi?

DRADY: Yes, they're compatible with handheld gaming systems, iPods and other MP3 players, etc. - basically all audio devices.

SMAKA: What a smart idea. Thanks, Dana.

Anne, anything new in amplified telephones? I see you're showing one on display.

ANNE WALKER: Hey, Carolyn, there sure is. You know, there are just so many assistive phones out there that sometimes it seems that an amplified telephone is an amplified telephone with just a different combination of already available features.

The one on display here is the Hamilton Captel 800i Caption Phone. What makes this phone really unique is that not only is it an amplified telephone (providing up to 40 dB of amplification), it also enables the listener to actually see what the caller is saying, all without the involvement of traditional Relay Operators. One press of a button prior to placing a call or prior to picking up a call immediately connects to a caption operator who types out the caller's conversation in real time, without ever directly communicating with either party.

SMAKA: What? Never have to deal with Relay again? That sounds incredibly convenient and efficient, both for the phone's owner and for the people they converse with!

WALKER: Exactly, so you can see why this has been a hot product.

Hamilton Captel 800i Caption Phone enables the listener to see what the caller is saying by connecting to a caption operator who types out the caller's conversation in real time. Unlike Relay Operators, the caption operator does not communicate directly with either party.

SMAKA: Indeed. A.U., I see some new forceps on display here that people are crowding around. Cerumen removal?

Oaktree's Vice President A.U. Bankaitis and Founder & President Bob Kemp, at the convention's Happy Hour with a View, to support the American Academy of Audiology Foundation.

BANKAITIS: Yes, that's exactly what they're for. These Neozoline Forceps are stainless steel forceps used for cerumen removal and they've been anodized in a black coating. This makes them extremely durable, yet they're available at nearly half the price of traditional stainless steel instruments. The same vendor offers disposable curettes and right angled hooks that are comprised of carbon fiber, too. It's as if you are using a stainless steel instrument at a disposable price.

Neozoline Forceps are anodized in a black coating, offering durability at a lower cost

Speaking of cerumen removal, Bob can show you a popular headlight and loupe that also works great for deep canal fittings.

BOB KEMP: Hi Carolyn, thanks for stopping by. What A.U. is referring to is the Heine LED Headlight & Loupe. It's like having an expensive microscope at one-third of the price and with the added benefit of complete portability. As she mentioned, headlights with magnification have become more and more popular given the introduction of deep fitting hearing instruments including the Lyric and the WOW and some new instruments introduced at the show like Starkey's Otolens. The Heine Headlight and Loupe serves multiple duties for audiologists who also perform cerumen removal, which are more and more audiologists are doing today. Cerumen removal simply allows many audiologists to do their jobs better;impacted cerumen no longer means an impediment or delay to treatment such as amplification solutions, or to diagnostic testing.

SMAKA: In addition to all these products, I've witnessed many customers get excited about the new Oaktree product catalog. I literally heard a woman scream with excitement when she saw it. [laughs]

For a copy of Oaktree Products' new product catalog, visit

BOB KEMP: [laughs]. Well, our products enable professionals to do their jobs easier and more efficiently and we hope that can lead to better patient outcomes. So, yes, they do get excited about the catalog to see what's new each year.

SMAKA: I've also seen quite a few attendees from overseas visiting your booth.

BOB KEMP: Yes, in addition to our team this year we've brought along our "Foreign Relations Liaison", my daughter, Katie Kemp. Katie speaks Spanish and Portuguese, so she's helped us attend to our international customers.

KATIE KEMP: It's been great speaking with our existing customers and meeting new professionals from overseas. The needs of professionals serving those with hearing impairment are not that much different overseas, and we're seeing the same interest in the products that Dana, Anne, Alison, A.U. and dad have mentioned.

SMAKA: Nice to meet you, Katie. I have to say, though, I'm a little disappointed that I'm not getting to meet your Director of Employee Satisfaction here at AudiologyNOW!

Sassy B. Kemp is Oaktree's Director of Employee Satisfaction. "Our customers" and "Sassy" are two of the many reasons the team says they enjoy working at Oaktree.

BOB KEMP: We're going to have to work on getting a special badge for dogs at next year's convention in Chicago. I think our customers would have enjoyed meeting her, too. You'll just have to come out to St. Louis and visit us one of these days.

SMAKA: Thank you, I would love to. Thanks to all of you for showing me around your booth today. Judging by the amount of traffic I'm seeing here, hopefully Bob will get some shut eye tonight. [laughs]

BANKAITIS: Let's hope so! Thanks again, Carolyn.

More information about Oaktree Products, Inc. can be found by visiting or the Oaktree Products Web Channel on AudiologyOnline.
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Sassy B. Kemp

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