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Exam Preview

Tinnitus Demystified: A Look at Starkey’s Options

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1.  Which Starkey products offer expanded tinnitus options?
  1. Edge AI
  2. Signature Series
  3. Edge AI and Signature Series
  4. Genesis AI
2.  Where do tinnitus controls live within My Starkey?
  1. Home
  2. My Hearing
  3. Health
  4. More
3.  When building a custom stimulus within Pro Fit, what tests are performed?
  1. Minimum Masking Level
  2. Pitch Matching
  3. Minimum Detection Level
  4. Both Minimum Masking and Detection Level
4.  Mutliflex Tinnitus Pro does NOT offer which of the following masking options?
  1. Green
  2. White Noise
  3. Red Noise
  4. Custom
5.  What is a control for adjusting Tinnitus within Pro Fit?
  1. Tilt Control
  2. Fine Tuning
  3. Modulation
  4. All of the above

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