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eAudiology: Join the Discussion: Moving from Microaggressions to Cultural Humility: A Critical Discussion for Audiology

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1.  Microaggressions can be:
  1. Subtle
  2. Verbal or non-verbal
  3. Comments expressed to individuals based on person’s gender, sex, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, etc.
  4. All of the above
2.  According to Overland et al. (2019), what is the first step in addressing a microaggression?
  1. Share your perspective with the learner
  2. Temporarily remove the learner from the environment
  3. Address the comment
  4. Refocus the conversation on the patient's health
3.  What is the main focus of the "XYZ" model by Scully & Rowe (2009)?
  1. Observing and reflecting before speaking
  2. Exploring the impact of a statement with curiosity, not judgment
  3. Expressing feelings by stating "I feel X when you say Y because Z"
  4. Repeating the patient's statement to allow for reflection
4.  Which of the following is a role of preceptors in fostering an inclusive clinical environment?
  1. Ignoring microaggressions to avoid confrontation
  2. Encouraging professional development and ethical awareness
  3. Allowing students to independently address all microaggressions
  4. Avoiding discussions of diversity and inclusion in clinical settings
5.  What is a potential psychological impact of microaggressions on students in clinical education?
  1. Increased motivation and confidence
  2. Enhanced relationships with preceptors and peers
  3. Anxiety, isolation, and lowered confidence
  4. Greater ability to confront and resolve conflicts

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