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Exam Preview

Management of Veterans with Severe Hearing Loss, presented in partnership with AVAA

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1.  Most Veterans enrolled in VA health care are eligible for medical services that include which of the following?
  1. Diagnostic audiology
  2. Hearing aids
  3. Cochlear implants
  4. All of the above
2.  Patients with severe or greater levels of hearing loss may have limited speech discrimination with amplification because of:
  1. Inadequate audibility at certain frequencies
  2. Distortion from broadened auditory filters causing loss of frequency selectivity
  3. Increased cochlear dead regions from inner hair cell loss
  4. All of the above
3.  Hearing loss is a common service-connected disability because of which of the following?
  1. Agent Orange
  2. Presbycusis & noise-exposure
  3. Physical exertion
  4. None of the above
4.  Which factor is most relevant when considering a referral for a cochlear implant evaluation?
  1. Age
  2. Pure tone thresholds
  3. Unaided speech perception
  4. Aided speech perception
5.  In the interviews conducted with audiologists, how did most report assessing hearing aid benefits?
  1. Performing Real Ear measures to verify hearing aid fit
  2. Using IOI-HA as a patient-reported outcome measure
  3. Directly measuring aided speech perception
  4. Depending on their clinical intuition and Veteran feedback

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