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20Q: Hearing Aid Selection and Fitting - The Role of Self-Report Inventories

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1.  According to Cox (2005) what are desirable features of a self-report inventory?
  1. Low clinician burden
  2. Low patient burden
  3. Good utility
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following is a component of the WHO-ICF Model?
  1. Impairment
  2. Activity limitation
  3. Participation restriction
  4. All of the above
3.  Which of the following is a sub-scale of the APHAB?
  1. Listening in quiet
  2. Listening in noise
  3. Listening in reverberation
  4. All of the above
4.  Which scale has high utility, as it more or less is designed by the patient?
  1. RHHI
  2. APHAB
  3. COSI
  4. SADL
5.  The ECHO scale was designed to be a companion to which of the following?
  1. RHHI
  2. APHAB
  3. COSI
  4. SADL

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