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eAudiology: Ethical Considerations in Audiology Practice

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1.  What are the AAA ethical guidelines for over-the-counter (OTC) and direct-to-consumer (DTC) hearing aids?
  1. OTC and DTC hearing aids are acceptable to dispense
  2. OTC and DTC hearing aids are not mentioned in the guidelines
  3. OTC and DTC hearing aids are unacceptable to dispense
  4. OTC and DTC hearing aids are acceptable to dispense to adults but not to children
2.  Regarding over-the-counter (OTC), direct-to-consumer (DTC), and personal sound amplification products (PSAP), which of the following is true?
  1. PSAP, but not OTC, are DTC
  2. OTC, but not PSAP, are DTC
  3. OTC and PSAP are not DTC
  4. OTC and PSAP are DTC
3.  What is the main focus of the "XYZ" model by Scully & Rowe (2009)?
  1. Individuals must consider delivery of professional serves based on the relevancy of the treatment plan.
  2. Individual shall limit the delivery of professional serves, particularly amplification devices, on the basis of how the devices were obtained.
  3. Individuals shall not limit the delivery of professional services on any basis that is unjustifiable or irrelevant to the need for potential benefit from such services.
  4. Individuals shall not limit delivery of professional services on any basis that is associated with technology acquired elsewhere.
4.  Principle 5 of the Code of Ethics states “Members shall provide accurate information about the nature and management of communication disorders and about the services and products offered”. Based on Principle 5, what action is appropriate for patients who bring over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids/personal sound amplification products (PSAPs) and direct-to-consumer (DTC) hearing aids into the clinic for their utilization?
  1. Members may conduct real-ear measurements, calculate an aided SII value with the device, and compare to an aided SII value with a conventional hearing aid.
  2. Members may try and talk a patient out of utilizing a PSAP for a mild hearing loss, even if seems to be an appropriate fitting, because PSAP devices are not to be advertised as treatment for hearing loss.
  3. Members may not provide counseling guidance on how to benefit from OTC/DTC/PSAP device usage because these devices are not approved by state and federal laws.
  4. Members may choose to not work with patients who do not purchase conventional hearing aids from the member and/or their clinic.
5.  What does FERPA stand for?
  1. First Educational Rights and Privacy Act
  2. Financial Educational Rights and Privacy Act
  3. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
  4. None of the above

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