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Exam Preview

eAudiology: Case-Based Options for Coding Audiology Services

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1.  For all non-covered services provided in your practice, the value of those services should be based on:
  1. An analysis of time and resources used
  2. A percentage of your costs
  3. Your costs plus 50%
  4. Double your actual cost
2.  Auditory rehabilitation may be covered by Medicare when provided by:
  1. Students in training
  2. Audiologists
  3. Speech-language pathologists
  4. None of the above
3.  Which vestibular diagnostic service does not have a dedicated CPT code for reporting purposes?
  1. Sinusoidal harmonic acceleration (SHA)
  2. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs)
  3. Saccades
  4. Optokinetic nystagmus test
4.  In 2023, the percentage of Medicare eligible beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan:
  1. Is decreasing every year
  2. Is greater than 50%
  3. Is greater than 90%
  4. Is the same as Original Medicare
5.  An ABN..
  1. Can be provided to all patients
  2. Can be only be used for Medicare Advantage beneficiaries
  3. Is never optional
  4. Can only be used for Original Medicare beneficiaries

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