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Exam Preview

eAudiology: Mental Health First Aid for Patients Across the Lifespan

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  Which statement best represents the definition of patient-centered care?
  1. Health-care model that focuses solely on the patients’ problem to make a concise diagnosis
  2. Health-care model in which the healthcare provider solely makes decisions because they are considered the expert
  3. Health-care model focused on providing patients efficient and cost-effective diagnosis and treatment
  4. Health-care model that prioritizes individual patients’ unique needs, values, and preferences to guide all clinical decisions.
2.  The Summary/Strategy step of the SPIKES Model includes:
  1. Summarizing the diagnostic results
  2. Providing the patient/family with effective communication strategies
  3. Creating an ideal space for information sharing that is private and without interruptions
  4. Allowing the patient/family to indicate if they are ready to discuss their goals and setting a follow-up time to talk in person
3.  Children who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) often present with additional mental health concerns; however, what factor can mediate the degree to which mental health difficulties manifest?
  1. Degree of hearing loss
  2. Speech perception abilities
  3. Type of hearing loss
  4. Length of deafness
4.  What is an easily available questionnaire that can be used to screen patients for mental health concerns?
  1. PHQ-9
  2. HHIE
  3. IOI-HA
  4. COSI
5.  When reporting MIPS, what type of audiologic evaluation requires a documented depression screening and follow up plan of care?
  1. Basic audiometric evaluation (92557)
  2. Comprehensive vestibular evaluation (92540)
  3. Tinnitus evaluation (92625)
  4. Implantable device evaluation (92626)

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