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Exam Preview

Medical Error Prevention in Hearing Healthcare: Ensuring a Safe Patient Experience

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1.  Which notetaking format is commonly used to record patient interaction?
  1. Outline Method
  2. Cornell Notes
  3. Box and Bullet Method
  4. SOAP Notes
2.  Unilateral hearing loss of sudden or recent onset within ________ days is cause for medical referral.
  1. 90 days
  2. 120 days
  3. 30 days
  4. 60 days
3.  Which four symptoms are consistent with Meniere's Disease (endolymphatic hydrops)?
  1. Hearing loss, headache, congestion, tinnitus
  2. Vertigo, tinnitus, aural fullness, hearing loss
  3. Aural fullness, sinus congestion, vertigo, tinnitus
  4. There are only two symptoms consistent with Meniere's
4.  Which questionnaire is commonly used to assess tinnitus symptoms?
  1. Tinnitus Index (TI)
  2. Understanding Tinnitus Symptoms
  3. Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI)
  4. Tinnitus Assessment Index (TAI)
5.  An air-bone gap of _________ dB or more at 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz indicates a potentially significant medically treatable condition.
  1. 5 dB
  2. 25 dB
  3. 10 dB
  4. 15 dB

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