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Exam Preview

Empowered Patients, Efficient Practices: Surgery and Activation

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1.  Which assessments can you conduct with AIM?
  1. Insertion monitoring only
  2. NRI only
  3. ESRT only
  4. Insertion monitoring, NRI, ESRT, and pure tone thresholds
2.  AIM provides an opportunity to take advantage of the unique recording capabilities of what?
  2. Cochlear implant
  3. Facial nerve stimulator
  4. Audera Pro
3.  AIM ECochG feedback improved structural preservation with _______________ translocations.
  1. Decreased
  2. Increased
  3. No change in number of
  4. Maximal
4.  When do some CI clinics conduct CI activations to improve clinical efficiency?
  1. At least two weeks after surgery
  2. At least three weeks after surgery
  3. At least one month after surgery
  4. Within the first 10 days after surgery
5.  AB staff will provide support to which of the following?
  1. CI candidates only
  2. Adult CI recipients only
  3. All AB recipients throughout their hearing journey
  4. Parents of CI recipients only

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