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Exam Preview

Empowered Patients, Efficient Practices: Continuous Clinical Improvements

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1.  Given the ongoing growth in annual cochlear implant volume, CI clinics are compelled to assess their efficiency in managing CI patients. What trend in cochlear implant volume necessitates this evaluation?
  1. Increase
  2. Decrease by 10%
  3. Decrease by 20%
  4. Stay the same
2.  What is current CI utilization in adults?
  1. Less than 20%
  2. 21 – 50%
  3. 51 – 75%
  4. 76 – 100%
3.  Vanderbilt University is helping to educate patients about cochlear implants by providing a series of what?
  1. App-based games
  2. Videos
  3. Live webinars
  4. Text messages
4.  It is important to focus on what type of clinical protocols to improve clinical efficiency and provide quality care to CI recipients?
  1. Unimperical
  2. Opinion based
  3. Only cost saving
  4. Evidence based
5.  AB has teams dedicated to fostering CI awareness and education in your area, expanding your professional network and broadening your reach by connecting CI centers and what?
  1. Healthcare administrators
  2. Sonova Board of Directors
  3. Sonova HCP partnerships
  4. Customer Service

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