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Exam Preview

Pro Fit 301

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  Where is Sound Manager NOT found within Pro Fit?
  1. Fitting Session
  2. Follow-Up Session
  3. Fly Out Menu
  4. Connection Screen
2.  What tool within Pro Fit can help you troubleshoot specific patient complaints?
  1. Help for Pro Fit
  2. Troubleshoot
  3. Music Program
  4. Tinnitus
3.  What situation could Speech Mapping help rectify?
  1. A soft spoken spouse is inaudible
  2. Streaming music is poor quality
  3. Patient has tinnitus
  4. Hearing aid is not amplifying
4.  What adjustment could be made for a patient reporting a nasal sound quality for their own voice?
  1. Decreasing gain overall
  2. Increasing gain overall
  3. Decrease gain for 1000 Hz and 1500 Hz
  4. Make no changes at all
5.  What algorithm is good for adjusting sudden impulse sounds?
  1. Transients
  2. Quiet
  3. Speech in Noise
  4. Wind

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