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Exam Preview

Social Determinants of Health and Audiology

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1.  Which of the following best defines social determinants of health (SDOH) in relation to audiology practice?
  1. The prevalence of hearing loss in low-income populations
  2. Environmental and lifestyle factors impacting hearing health outcomes
  3. Medical treatments for hearing loss
  4. Cultural practices affecting communication styles
2.  How do socioeconomic status and education influence hearing health outcomes?
  1. Socioeconomic status improves hearing health, but education has no influence.
  2. Higher socioeconomic status and education are associated with better hearing health outcomes due to improved access to healthcare, awareness of preventive measures, and reduced occupational hazards.
  3. Lower socioeconomic status and education are associated with better hearing health
  4. There is no correlation between socioeconomic status, education, and hearing health
3.  Which of the following is true about social determinants of health?
  1. Patients' social needs related to housing, food, safety, etc., can create significant obstacles to high-quality care and contribute to poor health.
  2. Collaborating with other healthcare professionals and community organizations can help improve access to care.
  3. Several brief screening tools can be included as part of a workflow designed to address social needs with referrals to community-based resources.
  4. All of the above
4.  Which SDOH are important for audiologists to consider?
  1. Discrimination, stigma, and racism
  2. Transportation
  3. Income, wealth, and education
  4. All of the above
5.  Which of the following methods is most effective for identifying and assessing individual social risk factors in healthcare settings?
  1. Conducting routine physical examinations
  2. Using genetic testing to determine social risk factors
  3. Administering a standardized questionnaire and engaging in active listening and patient-centered communication
  4. Utilizing advanced medical imaging techniques

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