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Exam Preview

Variability in Hearing Aid Outcomes and the Role of Mild Cognitive Impairment

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1.  Which term in the DSM-5 refers to the condition previously known as mild cognitive impairment?
  1. Major Neurocognitive Disorder
  2. Minor Neurocognitive Disorder
  3. Minimal Neurocognitive Impairment
  4. Cognitive Dysfunction Disorder
2.  What distinguishes mild neurocognitive disorder from major neurocognitive disorder?
  1. Presence of significant cognitive decline
  2. Absence of delirium
  3. Interference with independence in everyday activities
  4. Evidence of modest cognitive decline that does not significantly impact independence in everyday activities
3.  According to the results of the pilot study, which of the following statements are true?
  1. Adults with hearing loss at risk for MCI show less reduction in depressive symptoms after hearing aid treatment compared to those who are not at risk
  2. Adults with hearing loss at risk for MCI show greater reduction in depressive symptoms after hearing aid treatment compared to those who are not at risk
  3. Adults with hearing loss at risk for MCI experience similar outcomes to those not at risk for MCI after hearing aid treatment
  4. None of the above
4.  According to the results of the pilot study, which group of adults derive lower levels of self-perceived satisfaction and benefit with hearing aids?
  1. Adults with hearing loss not at risk for MCI
  2. Adults with hearing loss at risk for MCI
  3. Both groups experienced similar self-perceived benefit and satisfaction
  4. The study measure self-perceived benefit but not self-perceived satisfaction with hearing aids
5.  How can baseline cognitive screening in audiology clinical settings aid in clinical decision-making and the hearing treatment and rehabilitation process?
  1. Selection of hearing treatment technology and specific signal processing characteristics
  2. Involvement of frequency communication partners in the treatment and rehabilitation process (e.g. family members, caregivers)
  3. Involvement of the multidisciplinary team in the treatment and rehabilitation process
  4. Identification for the need of additional forms of rehabilaition or support to optimize treatment success
  5. All of the above

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