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20Q: Auracast is Here - What You Need to Know

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1.  What are some of the key advantages of Bluetooth LE Audio vs. Bluetooth Classic?
  1. Lower latency
  2. Lower power
  3. Universal standards in hearing device connectivity
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following best describes Auracast?
  1. A new Bluetooth standard with lower latency and power consumption
  2. A new broadcast version of LE Audio that can be tuned into by an unlimited number of devices
  3. A type of Bluetooth only available ot hearing aids
  4. None of the above
3.  Which of the following describes potential Auracast applications?
  1. Streaming audio from a TV at the gym or airport
  2. Sharing audio with a friend
  3. Streaming audio at a public venue, such as a museum or theatre
  4. All of the above
4.  Which of the following smartphone manufacturers have earbuds that are currently Auracast-enabled?
  1. Apple
  2. LG
  3. Samsung
  4. Nokia
5.  Which of the following describes what a universal Bluetooth standard wil provide?
  1. Better performance than Bluetooth Classic
  2. Higher levels of consistency across software updates
  3. Increased compatibility across more manufacturers and brands
  4. All of the above

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