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Research Quick Takes Volume 7: Useful Clinical Nuggets Mined From Recent Hearing Aid Research

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1.  The research of Larry Humes (2020), revealed that based on unaided and aided HHIE/A scores, the benefit from hearing aids for those with “normal” pure-tone hearing (WHO definition) vs. those with a moderate loss was:
  1. 30% worse than those with a moderate loss
  2. 20% worse than those with a moderate loss
  3. 10% worse than those with a moderate loss
  4. About the same as those with a moderate loss
2.  A recommended clinical earphone presentation level for the QuickSIN is:
  1. “Loud, But Okay” loudness level
  2. SRT+30
  3. SRT+40
  4. MCL
3.  The Windle et al (2023) article recommended this about compression release times:
  1. A long release always should be used for individuals 55-years-old and older.
  2. A long release should be used for listening in background noise
  3. Manufacturers should publish their release times
  4. All of the above
4.  When using instant fit tips that are labeled “closed,” you can assume that the slit-leak vent leakage at 500 Hz is around:
  1. 2 dB
  2. 4 dB
  3. 10 dB
  4. 20 dB
5.  For a typical mild-moderate downward-sloping audiogram, the expected “aided” SII for a NAL-NL2 perfect fit-to-target, for a 65 dB input, would be roughly:
  1. 40-50%
  2. 70-75%
  3. 80-85%
  4. Close to 100%

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