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Exam Preview
Research Quick Takes Volume 7: Useful Clinical Nuggets Mined From Recent Hearing Aid Research
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. The research of Larry Humes (2020), revealed that based on unaided and aided HHIE/A scores, the benefit from hearing aids for those with “normal” pure-tone hearing (WHO definition) vs. those with a moderate loss was:
2. A recommended clinical earphone presentation level for the QuickSIN is:
3. The Windle et al (2023) article recommended this about compression release times:
4. When using instant fit tips that are labeled “closed,” you can assume that the slit-leak vent leakage at 500 Hz is around:
5. For a typical mild-moderate downward-sloping audiogram, the expected “aided” SII for a NAL-NL2 perfect fit-to-target, for a 65 dB input, would be roughly: