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Exam Preview

Grand Rounds: Cases in Medical Audiology, presented in partnership with The Ohio State University

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1.  Tepezza is a medication that:
  1. Is used to treat thyroid eye disease
  2. Has been reported to be ototoxic
  3. Patient reports of tinnitus soon after infusions
  4. All of the above
2.  Audiologists working with cancer patients should do which of the following?
  1. Follow clinical guidelines related to ototoxicity monitoring and be part of the patients care team
  2. Assess hearing only after the treatment is completed
  3. Assess hearing only before the treatment is started
  4. None of the above
3.  What would be the rationale in fitting a patient with a TBI with mild-gain amplification?
  1. Mild-gain amplification would increase the audibility of speech in quiet.
  2. Mild-gain amplification would provide greater audibility of soft consonant sounds as well as an improved SNR in challenging environments.
  3. This individual is not an appropriate candidate for mild-gain amplification.
  4. Mild-gain amplification would increase the effort that an individual would need to listen to speech in background noise.
4.  Persistent postural perceptive dizziness (3PD) often presents with which of the following?
  1. No symptoms
  2. A perception of dizziness or being unsteady in busy visual environments and may be triggered by an episode of BPPV
  3. Itchy ears
  4. None of the above
5.  The Adult Auditory Processing Scale (AAPS) can be used to do which of the following?
  1. Assess functional auditory concerns in adult patients and Help to differentiate auditory concerns between patients with TBI and those who have not had TBI
  2. Create an app for AAPs
  3. Evaluate pediatric hearing
  4. None of the above