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Exam Preview

Implementing Vestibular Rehabilitation and Multidisciplinary Teams in a VA Setting, in partnership with AVAA

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  The vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) inclusion criteria:
  1. Only allow for patients with a diagnosed unilateral vestibulopathy to enroll in a therapy program
  2. Exclude patients with functional disorders such as PPPD
  3. Target a range of vestibular disorders including but not limited to vestibular neuritis, mal de debarquement, concussion/TBI, and PPPD
  4. Are trialed for all patients who undergo vestibular evaluation
2.  What is one of the best ways to identify patient-centered goals?
  1. Determine what matters most to the patient and how dizziness impacts his/her daily life, while also considering vestibular evaluation and results from the initial VRT appointment
  2. Have pre-determined goals for each patient beginning therapy to make it easy for the patient
  3. Ask the patient’s friend or family member what they think would be best for the patient
  4. Create goals based on vestibular evaluation and share with patient
3.  Why can having a VRT program within your organization be beneficial?
  1. It allows for your service to create new relationships with other services who can help the dizzy patient
  2. It allows for the provider to follow the patient’s healthcare plan rather than referring the patient out of network to Community Care
  3. It promotes innovation and provides a way to care for a broader range of patients via virtual and face-to-face modalities
  4. All of the above
4.  The ________ aspect of dizziness is a large component that may commonly be overlooked or disregarded.
  1. Psychological
  2. Cognitive
  3. Physical
  4. Visual
5.  Which of the following services may comprise a multidisciplinary team for a patient with suspected PPPD?
  1. Social work/mental health
  2. Physical therapy
  3. Neurology
  4. All of the above

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