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Exam Preview

A World Class Fitting Experience with Pro Fit

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1.  What information does NOT populate on the hearing aid card within Pro Fit?
  1. Firmware version
  2. Patient phone number
  3. Right or Left designation
  4. Serial number
2.  Which of the following is NOT a session type within Pro Fit?
  1. Preparation
  2. Sound Management
  3. Fitting
  4. Follow Up
3.  Consonant Enhancement is adjustable in which technology tiers?
  1. 24 only
  2. 24, 20
  3. 24, 20, 16
  4. 24, 20, 16, 12
4.  Indicators now feature which of the following?
  1. New Indicators for Battery
  2. Indicator now removed for Edge Mode
  3. Speech indicators for volume control
  4. New indicator for muting the hearing aid
5.  Which feature allows both hearing aid volume and stream volume to be controlled via the same user control?
  1. Contextual volume control
  2. Edge Mode+
  3. Program Control
  4. Power Off

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