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Exam Preview

Vestibular Issues in Cochlear Implantation, presented in partnership with Salus University

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  Which vestibular end organ is most affected by cochlear implantation?
  1. Horizontal Semicircular Canal
  2. Saccule
  3. Utricle
  4. Endolymphatic duct
2.  What percentage of children present with reduced vestibular system information pre-implantation?
  1. 10%
  2. 40%
  3. 70%
  4. 90%
3.  When do most patients with dizziness post-cochlear implantation experience symptom onset?
  1. First week
  2. First month
  3. After 3 months
  4. After 6 months
4.  Patient demonstrates reduced right peripheral vestibular system performance. What is your recommendation for cochlear implantation?
  1. No preference
  2. Implant the right ear
  3. Implant the left ear
  4. Recommend no implantation
5.  What surgical consideration is associated with dizziness?
  1. Steroid use
  2. Atraumatic electrode array
  3. Deep insertion
  4. Fast insertion speed

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