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Exam Preview

The Effects of Hearing Loss and Hearing Aid Use on Well-Being and Activity Levels

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1.  The main topic covered in this podcast is
  1. Fatigue, well-being and how hearing aids might alleviate them
  2. Patient centered care
  3. Empowerment
  4. Health literacy
2.  The literature review and research outlined in this podcast was conducted at:
  1. University of Colorado - Boulder
  2. University of Nottingham, UK
  3. University of Manchester, UK
  4. National Acoustic Laboratories
3.  Well-being is best defined as a balance between which two things?
  1. An individual’s pool of resources and daily challenges
  2. An individual’s hearing loss and hearing aid use
  3. An individual’s self-reported unaided hearing handicap and self-reported aided benefit
  4. The moon and New York City
4.  According to the material covered in this podcast, direct consequences of fatigue in persons with hearing loss include which of the following
  1. Reduced listening effort
  2. Social activities
  3. Work activities
  4. Physical activities
5.  Examples of the indirect consequences of fatigue in persons with hearing loss include
  1. Listening effort
  2. Physical, social and workplace activities
  3. Communication failures at home
  4. Feelings of loneliness

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