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Exam Preview

Spatial Auditory Training for Aural Rehabilitation after Unilateral Hearing Loss, presented in partnership with NAL

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1.  Which of the following is NOT an acoustic cue available to single-sided deaf (SSD) listeners that can aid them in localizing speech sounds?
  1. The ratio of direct to indirect sound level.
  2. The interaural time delay
  3. Spectral cues due to attenuation at the contralateral ear
  4. Spectral cues due to pinna effects
2.  Although localization error rates will vary depending upon testing conditions and source characteristics, when relatively brief, isolated speech-sound stimuli are presented to normal-hearing binaural listeners from directions distributed on the horizontal plane, front-rear confusions of source incidence angles have generally been observed to lie within the following range of error rates:
  1. 0 to 5%
  2. 6 to 14%
  3. 15 to 29%
  4. 30 to 50%
3.  In scientific studies incorporating realistic virtual acoustic simulation, when virtual sources approached the non-hearing ear of the SSD listener (i.e., moved into the listener’s peripersonal space), a notable consequence of the head shadow effect for the perception of speech sound stimuli was the following:
  1. The perceived direction of the speech sound was significantly altered
  2. The perceived distance of the speech sound was significantly reduced
  3. The apparent vocal effort associated with the speech sound rapidly increased
  4. Audible speech sounds rapidly became inaudible
4.  When speech-sound localization data were analyzed from the perspective of Signal Detection Theory (SDT), the influence of differences in source spectra on directional offset judgments made by experimental listeners could be revealed via the following statistic:
  1. D-prime
  2. Beta
  3. Lambda
  4. The Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve.
5.  When generic HRTFs (measured over a wide range of elevation angles) were used to process relatively brief, isolated speech sound stimuli for presentation to listeners with unilateral hearing loss (UHL), the following could be concluded regarding the observed elevation judgments of those “monaural” listeners:
  1. Unilateral spectral cues were sufficient for high-precision elevation reports.
  2. Source spectral variation dominated HRTF-based cues to elevation.
  3. Removing spectral content above 5 kHz reduced the accuracy of elevation estimates.
  4. The speech sound stimuli were perceived at locations well outside of the listener’s head.

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