Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Grand Rounds: Implementation of Pediatric Audiology in a Neonatology Follow-up Clinic, presented in partnership with Yale New Haven Children's Hospital
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. The following are risk factors for early childhood hearing loss as outlined on the JCIH Position Statement (2019), EXCEPT:
2. Diagnostic audiologic follow up for infants with a prolonged NICU stay of greater than 5 days is recommended:
3. Which of the following are barriers to audiological follow up for high-risk infants with a history of extended NICU stay?
4. Outcome benefits of the collaboration between YNHH NICU GRAD and Pediatric Audiology for high risk infants include which of the following?
5. The YNHH NICU GRAD program is based on a medical and developmental model and includes multidisciplinary involvement by which of the following specialists?