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Exam Preview

Enhancing Real-World Listening and Quality of Life with New Split-Processing Technology

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  How many frequency channels are involved in the processing of each of the two streams in the Augmented Focus processing?
  1. 2 channels
  2. 16 channels
  3. 32 channels
  4. 48 channels
2.  What is one of the major effects of the split processing approach?
  1. The contrast between speech and surrounding sounds is increased
  2. Background noise becomes inaudible
  3. Speech becomes highly compressed
  4. The processing of speech will depend on the processing of noise
3.  Question In total, for how many weeks did the respondents wear Signia AX during the survey trial period?
  1. 1 week
  2. 2 weeks
  3. 3 weeks
  4. 4 weeks
4.  What share of the respondents expressed overall satisfaction with Signia AX at the end of the survey trial period?
  1. 47%
  2. 69%
  3. 84%
  4. 100%
5.  In what SSQ item was the highest mean rating of Signia AX observed?
  1. Talk with one person and follow TV
  2. Locate vehicle from footpath
  3. Music and voice as separate objects
  4. Naturalness of other voices

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