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Exam Preview

Deep Dive Into Custom Fittings

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1.  Which of the following is a material used when making earmold impressions?
  1. Fun-tak putty
  2. Silicone
  3. Vinyl
  4. None of these
2.  What techniques can help account for dynamic changes in the ear canal?
  1. Open jaw or chewing during the impression
  2. using an undersized otoblock
  3. using the smallest amount of impression material
  4. All of these
3.  How can you ensure accurate otoblock placement?
  1. Inspect the canal only before placement
  2. Do not use an otolight when placing the otoblock
  3. Rotate the otoscope to inspect the entire outer edge of the otoblock
  4. None of these
4.  What process, abbreviated RSM, is used to create custom hearing aids, receivers and SlimTips?
  1. Ready, Set, Make
  2. Rapid Shell Modelling
  3. Reproducible Shell Molding
  4. Real stable modeling
5.  An Easy View Otoblock or EVOB can help with what?
  1. Pressure release
  2. Otoblock placement
  3. Otoblock removal
  4. None of these

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