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Exam Preview

20Q: Audiologic Care for Musicians - Creating the Perfect Harmony

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1.  According to the author, when serving musicians, our highest priorities are:
  1. preventing hearing loss and remediating hearing loss
  2. preventing acoustic neuromas
  3. scoring free tickets to concerts
  4. helping musicians to understand that audiologists are the real experts when it comes to sound
2.  A hearing conservation plan (HCP) for musicians may include which of the following?
  1. reducing overall sound exposure
  2. measuring sound levels or estimating sound exposure
  3. hearing monitoring
  4. all of the above
3.  Which of the following is true in regard to fitting hearing protection devices (HPD) to musicians?
  1. High quality and well fitted HPDs will not alter timbre, music quality or distort musical cues
  2. Most musicians immediately adapt to HPDs in practice and performance
  3. It may take time and effort for musicians to adapt to performing with HPDs
  4. Traditional over-the-counter foam earplugs are the most convenient and effective HPDs for musicians to use in practice and performance
4.  How should an audiologist ensure an earplug or hearing protection device fits properly?
  1. Shine an otoscope around the device and look for gaps
  2. Order an MRI with the device in place
  3. Talk to the client while they are wearing the device and see if they can hear you
  4. Use probe mic measures or real-ear attenuation at threshold (REAT) measures
5.  The author recommends which of the following attitudes/approaches to counseling are most effective when working with musicians?
  1. Audiologists should scare musicians about the dangers of sound exposure
  2. It's better to be overly restrictive and counsel musicians away from all music exposure
  3. Take an "anything goes" approach and tell musicians to live their lives, and you'll fit them with top of the line hearing aids if they develop hearing loss
  4. Strike a balance between safety and recommendations that each client feels they can reasonably follow