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New RECDs and a New ANSI Standard: Revisiting RECD Basics and Applications

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1.  ANSI S3.46-2013 is a new standard on the topic of "Measurement of Real-Ear Performance Characteristics of Hearing Aids",which:
  1. Updates the previous 1997 standard
  2. Defines real ear measures
  3. Defines test signals used in making real ear measurements
  4. Defines the RECD
  5. All of the above
2.  Although the commonly-understood use for the RECD is to convert hearing aid verification curves from the coupler to the real ear, the RECD is also used to:
  1. Convert HA1 to HA2
  2. Convert HA4 to HA2
  3. Convert REIG to REUR
  4. Convert HL to SPL
3.  Earmolds usually have longer tubing than the tubing in a foam eartip. This "coupling type" effect has the following effect on RECDs:
  1. A bigger RECD in the low frequencies.
  2. A bigger RECD in the high frequencies.
  3. A smaller RECD in the low frequencies.
  4. A high frequency roll-off in the earmold RECD.
4.  The new definition of the RECD standardizes the RECD to the HA1 coupler. This means that we can:
  1. Only measure our BTE hearing aids on the HA1 coupler.
  2. Measure BTE hearing aids in the HA2 coupler, but with software conversions that correct for the differences between the "coupler type" effect, or the HA1 and HA2 difference.
  3. A and B
  4. None of the above
5.  RECDs can be measured in the following number of ways, considering all combinations by coupler type and coupling type:
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
6.  In addition to coupler and coupling type, RECDs can also vary by:
  1. Hearing aid compression
  2. Test Signal
  3. Using 65 or 75 dB SPL
  4. Transducer type
7.  New protocols have been developed to maximize use of the RECD across all stages of the hearing aid fitting process. This may mean changes for my practice, such as:
  1. Never measuring the RECD again
  2. Labelling my RECD so that the software knows whether I measured it with a foamtip or an earmold
  3. Switching to insertion gain rather than SPLograms
  4. None of the above
8.  New data show that children and adults both have predictable differences between foamtip and earmold RECDs, including:
  1. A mid frequency peak and a high frequency notch for the earmold versus foamtip
  2. A mid frequency notch and a high frequency peak for the earmold versus foamip
  3. An overall increase in level for the foamtip versus the earmold
  4. An overall increase in level for the earmold versus the foamtip
9.  I've been using foamtips for my audiograms, and I always measure the RECD with the foamtip. I should expect:
  1. New menu items that ask me to label the RECD as an "earmold" RECD.
  2. To be able to verify in the HA2 coupler (or the HA4 equivalent) if I wish.
  3. A notch in the high frequencies may appear, because the earmold tubing roll-off is now represented in the fitting.
  4. All of the above.
10.  A new 0.4 coupler and simulated earmold attachment is used in the Verifit 2, when setting BTE hearing aids to targets in the coupler. This new coupler is:
  1. Called a TRIC, and is blue.
  2. Called a TRIC, and is silver.
  3. Called an HA4, and is silver.
  4. Called an HA4, and is blue.