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Exam Preview

Approaches for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in Pediatric Audiology, presented in partnership with Salus University

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1.  Autonomy requires:
  1. The child and family to not have a financial conflict of interest with clinical decisions.
  2. The child and family must have the ability to make informed decisions about the care they receive.
  3. The child and family make decisions separately and clinicians must mediate.
  4. The clinician must make decisions without influence from outside entities.
2.  The concept of beneficence in pediatric audiology means:
  1. Care provided should balance benefits between the provider and the patient.
  2. Care should only be provided if it coincides with the values of the family.
  3. Care should only be provided if there is evidence that it will benefit the patient.
  4. The risks of care should be carefully weighed when providing care.
3.  Non-maleficence refers to:
  1. Services should not do more harm than good.
  2. Services can be provided that may have harmful side effects if there are benefits.
  3. The child has a right to make decisions independently from their parents about their care.
  4. Parents have sole decision-making authority for their children.
4.  How does the concept of justice relate to how pediatric audiologists provide care?
  1. Audiologists should not break the law when providing care.
  2. Audiologists should recognize when specific patients are vulnerable or who may be at risk of losing their rights.
  3. Audiologists must report other audiologists who violate best-practice standards.
  4. Audiologists must consider economic circumstances when providing care recommendations.
5.  Acceptance of ambiguity in pediatric audiology means:
  1. There are very few research studies to support professional practices in our field.
  2. There is considerable professional disagreement about the fundamental elements of providing hearing care to children.
  3. A specific etiology of hearing loss cannot be identified in every case.
  4. There are no specific protocols or solutions that apply to every situation.
6.  Which of the following is the best resources are available to help clinicians with ethical dilemmas?
  1. Audiology groups on social media
  2. Lawyers
  3. Ethical standards from professional organizations
  4. Licensure Boards
7.  Which of the following statements about ethical practice is most accurate?
  1. Ethical dilemmas rarely occur in pediatric audiology.
  2. Ethical dilemmas by nature do not lend themselves to easy solutions.
  3. There is always a right way to resolve an ethical problem.
  4. Most ethical dilemmas have limited consequences or are easily resolved.
8.  Which of the following is not a potential source of vulnerability for our patients?
  1. Pediatric patients are children.
  2. Families may not cooperate with our recommendations.
  3. Parents may lack the basic resources to comply with our recommendations.
  4. Some families that we serve may not have citizenship status that allows them to access resources.
9.  If an ethical issue becomes a legal issue, what is a common standard that is used to assess the ethics of a given situation in a legal context?
  1. A reasonable person standard
  2. Law enforcement standard.
  3. Professional mediation standard.
  4. The standard of beneficence.
10.  Which of the following statements about cultural influences on ethics is most accurate?
  1. Ethical standards are universal across cultures.
  2. There are ethical differences among cultures, but there is universal respect for beneficence and autonomy.
  3. None of the ethical standards we discussed can be applied outside of the United States.
  4. Clinicians should develop cultural awareness to recognize when cultural differences may contribute to ethical dilemmas.

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