Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Overview of Aural Rehabilitation with Adults: A Patient Centered Approach
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. Which concepts are integral to patient-centered care?
2. Hearing loss is a chronic-health care condition because:
3. Which statement is true regarding health-care literacy and its importance in patient-centered care?
4. The TELEGRAM is a tool for:
5. An example of how the TELEGRAM might lead to a technology recommendation is?
6. Decisions regarding amplification should include:
7. Which of the following is not recommended for family members to do to enhance communication effectiveness?
8. Which of the following is not recommended for use to facilitate speech recognition in PHL?
9. Which of the following is not a feature of clear speech?
10. Which of the following is important for successful self-guided, computer-based auditory training?