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Exam Preview

Overview of Aural Rehabilitation with Adults: A Patient Centered Approach

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1.  Which concepts are integral to patient-centered care?
  1. Collaboration between patients and practitioners
  2. Treatment decisions and outcome measures guided by the practitioner
  3. Patients’ emotional well-being and core-values are key to management
  4. Both A & C
2.  Hearing loss is a chronic-health care condition because:
  1. An individual experiences a hearing loss for one month
  2. Many services are covered by third-party payers
  3. Residual deficits persist following management
  4. It affects a majority of individuals over the age of 70 years
3.  Which statement is true regarding health-care literacy and its importance in patient-centered care?
  1. Patients are empowered to understand their conditions and make important health care decisions.
  2. If patients cannot read, they are unable to participate in their healthcare
  3. Patients’ resources and competencies are independent of the best course of management
  4. All of the above
4.  The TELEGRAM is a tool for:
  1. Determining the correct protocol for audiological assessment
  2. Identifying financial needs of persons with hearing loss
  3. Comprehensive assessment of rehabilitative needs of persons with hearing loss
  4. Calculating the need for masking
5.  An example of how the TELEGRAM might lead to a technology recommendation is?
  1. Having difficulty in group conversations suggests the need for a remote microphone.
  2. Inability to hear the smoke alarm suggests the need for a flashing smoke alarm.
  3. Difficulty hearing on the phone suggests the need for a telecoil option on a hearing device
  4. All of the above
6.  Decisions regarding amplification should include:
  1. Consideration of a possible network of devices an individual might benefit from
  2. Only those devices covered by insurance
  3. Simple devices with few options to meet the short term complaints
  4. The smallest device to satisfy vanity concerns
7.  Which of the following is not recommended for family members to do to enhance communication effectiveness?
  1. Modify the environment to enhance speech recognition.
  2. Use clear speech.
  3. Implement communication strategies.
  4. Kindly explain, “It wasn’t important”.
8.  Which of the following is not recommended for use to facilitate speech recognition in PHL?
  1. Familiar language
  2. More nouns than verbs
  3. Shorter utterances
  4. Linguistic redundancy
9.  Which of the following is not a feature of clear speech?
  1. It has exaggerated lip movements
  2. It is slower than typical speech
  3. It is well-inflected
  4. It is well-articulated
10.  Which of the following is important for successful self-guided, computer-based auditory training?
  1. Mild-moderate hearing loss
  2. Post-linguistic hearing loss
  3. No available AR specialist
  4. Self-motivation

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