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Exam Preview

Ponto System - A Few Minutes to Change Your Life

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1.  Ponto sound processors have the widest frequency bandwidth in the market by what percent?
  1. 38%
  2. 33%
  3. 28%
  4. 40%
2.  How many times faster do children learn novel words with an extended bandwidth?
  1. 2.5 x
  2. 2 x
  3. 3 x
  4. They do not learn faster
3.  What percentage of users reported improved quality of life after Ponto surgery
  1. 93%
  2. 85%
  3. 90%
  4. 98%
4.  What is the fitting range of the Ponto 4
  1. 65 dBHL
  2. 45 dBHL
  3. 55 dBHL
  4. 40 dBHL
5.  Open sound navigator is made up of which 3 modules
  1. Analyze, balance and noise removal
  2. Analyze, Balance and free focus
  3. Analyse, Balance and Opti Omni
  4. None of the above
6.  Pupil dilation is a direct measure of listening effort
  1. Yes it is a direct measure of effort
  2. No but it indicates an increase in cognitive load or listening effort
  3. There is no correlation between pupil dilation and effort
  4. None of the above
7.  The greatest preference for Ponto 4 over Ponto 3 SuperPower is where
  1. In complex listening situations
  2. In quiet
  3. In small groups
  4. There isn’t a preference for Ponto 4
8.  What scare is used to determine the level of skin complications in percutaneous devices
  1. IPS score
  2. Skin irritation index
  3. Holgers
  4. None of the above
9.  The implant survival rate reported in the literature is?
  1. 90%
  2. 88%
  3. 98%
  4. 95%
10.  When choosing a device to fit to a user with an average BC loss of 45 dB the best sound processor to choose would be
  1. Ponto 3 SuperPower
  2. Ponto Plus Power
  3. It is out of the fitting range for Ponto
  4. Ponto 4

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