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Exam Preview

Audiology: Diabetes in Hearing & Balance Care

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1.  Name the disruption of blood vessels that impact hearing and balance:
  1. Angiopathy
  2. Macroangiopathy
  3. Microangiopathy
  4. Blood clot
2.  How is the transmission and perception of hearing and balance signals to the brain affected by diabetes?
  1. Neuropathy
  2. 8th nerve degeneration
  3. Brain microangiopathy
  4. All of the above
3.  How does diabetes affect the ear and auditory system?
  1. low blood glucose causes large vessel disease
  2. the diabetes virus attacks the cochlear nerve
  3. diabetes causes the round window and oval window to close
  4. high blood glucose causes small vessel disease, including those in the inner ear and vestibular system
4.  Anosognosia refers to:
  1. Neural degeneration in the auditory system
  2. Forgetfulness similar to amnesia
  3. Cognitive decline due to hearing loss
  4. Inability of a person to know that they have a sensory impairment
5.  Collaboration to manage diabetes should involve which professionals?
  1. pharmacist
  2. podiatrist
  3. optometrist
  4. all of the above, and others
6.  Which screenings would be generally recommended for people with diabetes?
  1. hearing screening
  2. balance screening
  3. vision screening
  4. all of the above
7.  The presenter indicates that CDC data on the incidence of diabetes shows which of the following?
  1. the incidence of diabetes is low in most U.S. states
  2. the incidence of diabetes is high in most U.S. states
  3. the incidence of diabetes has been steadily decreasing since 1994
  4. the U.S. has successfully eradicated diabetes
8.  Which of the following referrals should always be made for a patient who is newly diagnosed with diabetes?
  1. psychiatric
  2. psychological
  3. ENT
  4. diabetes education
9.  Which of the following is a resource for audiologists to go for presentations, webinars and other educational resources on diabetes?
  1. AudiologyOnline
  2. The Audiology Project
10.  What is the name of professionals who educate persons with diabetes how to manage their disease?
  1. Certified Diabetes Educators (CDE)
  2. Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (DCES)
  3. Nurse Practitioners
  4. Audiologists

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