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Exam Preview

Cochlear Implant Adult Outcomes: “How Do I Know I Will Gain More Than I Lose?”, in partnership with American Cochlear Implant Alliance

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1.  Hearing deprivation is a modifiable risk factor for cognitive decline through the use of:
  1. Acoustic rehabilitation via hearing aids.
  2. Acoustic rehabilitation via cochlear implants.
  3. Acoustic rehabilitation via over the counter hearing devices.
  4. All of the above
2.  Numerous studies have data supporting the benefits of cochlear implantation in non-traditional patients including those with:
  1. Vestibular symptoms
  2. Individuals with 80% word recognition in the best aided condition prior to implantation.
  3. Individuals with single-sided deafness or asymmetric hearing loss.
  4. Intractable unilateral tinnitus.
3.  Several studies report improvement on CNC word scores of at least:
  1. 15%
  2. 42%
  3. 60%
  4. No improvement
4.  The addition of a hearing aid in the contralateral ear:
  1. Is a viable option for 60-85% of CI candidates.
  2. Can improve overall speech recognition in quiet.
  3. Can improve overall speech recognition in noise.
  4. All of the above
5.  Improvements in speech understanding following cochlear implantation are found in the following groups of individuals-
  1. Adults with bilateral profound SNHL.
  2. Adults with unilateral hearing loss/asymmetric hearing loss.
  3. Adults with normal low frequency hearing and high frequency hearing loss.
  4. All of the above
6.  Improvements in speech understanding following cochlear implantation are found in the following groups of individuals:
  1. Adults with bilateral tinnitus.
  2. Adults with tinnitus and balance disorders.
  3. Adults with normal low frequency hearing and high frequency hearing loss.
  4. Adults unhappy with their hearing aids.
7.  What soundfield thresholds would we expect with a cochlear implant in place?
  1. 0-10 dB HL from 250-6000 Hz
  2. 25-35 dB HL from 250-6000 Hz
  3. 35-40 dB HL from 250-6000 Hz
  4. Not possible to obtain a cochlear implant audiogram.
8.  Following adult cochlear implantation we expect the following:
  1. No improvement in speech understanding if duration of profound hearing loss is>15 years.
  2. Significant improvement in speech understanding even if duration of profound hearing loss is>15 years.
  3. No need for follow-up device adjustment after the first year when programming levels stabilize.
  4. Speech perception scores to decrease with increasing age of the recipient.
9.  Current Cochlear Implant Penetration in the US, meaning the percent of candidates who actually receive cochlear implants is:
  1. 5%
  2. 15%
  3. 25%
  4. 35%
10.  Cochlear implantation is:
  1. A safe procedure among elderly patients.
  2. More complex and has greater risks for elderly patients.
  3. Causes more dizziness and vertigo in elderly patients.
  4. Contraindicated in people over 90 years of age.

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