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Exam Preview

Do Hearing Aids Prevent Cognitive Decline?

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1.  Cognitive impairment in older adults has a variety of possible causes, including:
  1. medication side effects
  2. metabolic instabilities
  3. depression
  4. all of the above
2.  Untreated hearing loss is associated with:
  1. increased social isolation
  2. cognitive decline
  3. increased listening effort
  4. dementia
  5. all of the above
3.  Cohort studies indicate that age-related hearing loss precedes the onset of clinical dementia by how many years?
  1. 0-4 years
  2. 5-10 years
  3. 11-15 years
  4. more than 15 years
4.  People with hearing loss have accelerated cognitive decline as compared to:
  1. normal hearing
  2. conductive hearing loss
  3. sensorineural hearing loss
  4. geriatric patients
5.  Which of the following statements is correct regarding cognitive decline and hearing loss?
  1. Cognitive decline follows (comes after) hearing loss and reduces the cognitive resources available for auditory perception.
  2. Cognitive decline precedes (comes before) hearing loss and reduces the cognitive resources available for auditory perception.
  3. Cognitive decline does not impact hearing loss and reduces the cognitive resources available for auditory perception.
  4. Cognitive decline is not related to hearing loss and reduces the cognitive resources available for auditory perception.
6.  The impact of hearing loss upon cognitive decline is:
  1. modifiable
  2. momentary
  3. permanent
  4. none of the above
7.  Increased cognitive load due to hearing loss results in:
  1. additional processing effort
  2. limited resources available for encoding of content
  3. additional listening effort
  4. all of the above
8.  Hearing aids with noise reduction:
  1. reduces cognitive load
  2. frees up cognitive resources to be used elsewhere
  3. reduces listening effort
  4. all of the above
9.  Common cause theory supports:
  1. Hearing loss is coupled with other age-related change factors leading to decline in cognitive function
  2. Prolonged effects of auditory deprivation
  3. Insufficient stimulation of the auditory system will lead to down-stream cognitive effects
  4. Hearing loss has no impact upon cognitive function decline.
10.  Cascade cause theory supports:
  1. hearing loss is coupled with other age-related change factors leading to decline in cognitive function
  2. prolonged effects of auditory deprivation and insufficient stimulation of the auditory system will lead to down-stream cognitive effects
  3. hearing loss is never related to other age-related change factors leading to decline if cognitive function.
  4. age related hearing loss and cognitive decline are temporary.

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