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What Audiologists Need to Know about Auditory Processing Disorders in School-Aged Children

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1.  When asked if clinicians evaluate auditory processing, what ___% said "Yes, I evaluate?"
  1. 15%
  2. 25%
  3. 35%
  4. 44.4%
2.  When asked if clinicians evaluate auditory processing, what ___% said "No, I do not evaluate?"
  1. 55.6%
  2. 75%
  3. 35%
  4. 25%
3.  The following are examples of APD tests of Dichotic Listening having norms below children 7 years of age:
  1. SCAN Dichotic Words (both Free Recall and Directed Ear) and SSW Test.
  2. Quick SIN
  3. WRS in quiet and noise
  4. None of the above
4.  How is IQ calculated?
  1. IQ = MA divided by CA times 20
  2. IQ = MA divided by CA times 40
  3. IQ = MA divided by CA times 50
  4. IQ = MA divided by CA times 100
5.  If a child of 10 years old is diagnosed with an intellectual disability and the parents want to have the child evaluated for an auditory processing disorder, the following should be the response to the parents:
  1. Because of the intellectual disability, your child cannot be accurately assessed for and identified with an auditory processing disorder (APD).
  2. There is no appropriate method to determine if your child has or does not have an auditory processing disorder, so the testing cannot be completed.
  3. Using a modified way of comparing your child's APD test findings with those of children having his mental age level would provide insight into areas of auditory processing with which your child is having deficits and needs interventions.
  4. All failures on the auditory processing tests would be due to your child's intellectual disability, so it is not worthwhile evaluating your child or APD.
6.  Consider a child of 10 years old with an IQ of 50 on standardized, appropriate IQ tests, and if the child is identified to be functioning evenly on an intellectual/cognitive level at a mental age equivalent to that IQ level, we should:
  1. Compare the APD test findings with norms for 5 years old children.
  2. Compare the APD test findings with norms for 10 years old children.
  3. Compare the APD test findings with norms for 50 years old people.
  4. Not administer or score any APD tests because you cannot obtain an analyses of any APD problems faced by the child.
7.  If a child is identified as having an intellectual disability, and based on the typical methods for comparing the child's performance on APD tests the child fails all the APD tests, the audiologist's conclusion should be:
  1. The child has APD problems and we should wonder if the intellectual ability test findings really are due to APD problems and not true intellectual disabilities and Ignore the identification of intellectual disability and treat the child as a student with an APD problem and not an intellectual problem.
  2. Wait until they are older.
  3. Do not perform APD testing on children with intellectual disabilities.
  4. None of the above
8.  School districts often report that just because a child is found to have an APD, this diagnosis is not recognized as an educational disability. This statement is:
  1. Supported by what is written in the IDEA.
  2. Incorrect since the IDEA identifies a specific learning disability as an APD problem only with different language.
  3. Identified in IDEA under a hearing impairment.
  4. Identified in the IDEA as a speech-language impairment.
9.  Parents obtains APD testing on their child and the child is found to have a specific APD problem. The parents then go to school demanding that the school provide the child with an IEP. The school denies the IEP. The school could be correct in their decision if:
  1. The school team unanimously supports that the child does not deserve an IEP.
  2. IEPs are provided under IDEA and the school district is correct to say that APD problems are not identified under IDEA.
  3. The school's decision is supported if there is evidence that the child is not having learning problems evidenced by formal standardized tests and input from teachers.
  4. school's decision is incorrect because the parents are seeing difficulties at home for the child completing his school word and homework.
10.  Which of the following statements is true about testing children below 7 years of age for APD?
  1. The overwhelming majority of tests for evaluating APD have norms well below 7 years of age.
  2. There are no tests for evaluating APD with norms below 7 years of age.
  3. The AAA Guidelines state that no child under the age of 10 should be screened or tested for APD.
  4. The ASHA position statement on APD indicates that only adults should be tested for auditory processing disorder.

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