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Phonak Audeo Marvel. Fully Connected to a Teen's Life

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1.  The second window of opportunity helps teens develop their:
  1. social-emotional learning
  2. self-knowledge
  3. cognitive growth
  4. all of the above
2.  Teens reported that they want the following features and functionality in their hearing aids:
  1. Hearing aids that allows them to participate and communicate in every situation
  2. Hearing aids that deliver clear, rich sound
  3. A holistic offering that makes them feel confident and supported
  4. All of the above
3.  Which platforms do teens spend a majority of their time on?
  1. Linked In
  2. Instagram
  3. YouTube
  4. Facebook
  5. B & C
4.  Teens are dedicating approximately ____ hours a day to their smartphones or tablets.
  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 6
  4. 9
5.  Teens consume over ___ hours of media a day.
  1. 2
  2. 9
  3. 5
  4. 3
6.  Phonak Audeo M comes in ____ models.
  1. 5
  2. 7
  3. 9
  4. 3
7.  Phonak Audeo Marvel can connect to which of the following to allow for a seamless user experience while streaming:
  1. TV connector using Airstream
  2. Bluetooth cellphone connection
  3. Roger
  4. All of the Above
8.  Audeo M connects to Smartphones, TVs and more providing:
  1. direct streaming of all audio content from iOS and Android
  2. Streaming to both ears
  3. hands free calling thanks to Own Voice Pickup
  4. all of the above
9.  Using Remote Support with teens:
  1. Empowers teens to take control of their hearing care
  2. Allows teens to receive hearing aid adjustments in real time
  3. May improve their engagement in their audiological services
  4. all of the above
10.  In the remote support pilot study:
  1. 89% of teens would prefer a remote session over traveling to see their audiologist
  2. 96% of teens felt remote sessions met their needs
  3. 93% of teens would recommend this type of remote session to other teens
  4. 89% felt relaxed during their session
  5. All of the above

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