Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Power for Everyone!
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. What are the fitting ranges for Ponto 3/Ponto 3 Power/Ponto 3 SuperPower?
2. What are the 3 core fundamentals of development Oticon Medical uses for delivering Ponto Sound Quality?
3. What does MFO stand for?
4. Who would benefit from Ponto 3 SuperPower fitting range?
5. By fitting more patient's with higher MFO, we are likely to;
6. What are the two components of the Ponto's feedback management system?
7. Which statement is correct when comparing abutment to magnetic or softband bone anchored hearing systems options?
8. Which of the following statements is false in regards to Max Force Output (MFO) and the Ponto 3 SuperPower
9. What is the Oticon technology now available in Ponto products that focuses on making listening easier for patients?
10. What are the four processes of fundamental understanding what we hear?