Exam Preview
Exam Preview
The Perception of Emotional Prosody by Listeners with Hearing Loss and Cochlear Implants, presented in partnership with American Auditory Society
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. How is voice pitch coded in normal hearing listeners?
2. What is a dominant acoustic cue for vocal emotion?
3. Why are emotions hard to decipher for cochlear implant users?
4. How does a child's development change the way they hear vocal emotions with cochlear implants?
5. How well do children with cochlear implants produce vocal emotions in their speech?
6. How do listeners with cochlear implants perform in a voice pitch discrimination task?
7. What is noise-vocoded speech?
8. How do older normal hearing listeners perform in vocal emotion recognition?
9. Does hearing loss interact with age-related changes in vocal emotion recognition?
10. Do hearing aids and cochlear implants provide similar voice pitch and vocal emotion information?