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Exam Preview

Genetics & Hearing II, presented in partnership with Salus University

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1.  Aminoglycoside induced hearing loss is commonly seen in cases with:
  1. Mitochondrial Disease
  2. Pendred Syndrome
  3. Alport Syndrome
  4. Apert Syndrome
2.  Heterochromia iridium is a major characteristic of:
  1. Alport Syndrome
  2. Usher Syndrome
  3. Waardenburg Syndrome
  4. Pendred Syndrome
3.  Perilympatic Gusher is potentially associated with:
  1. Endolymphatic Hydrops
  2. Otosclerosis
  3. Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct
  4. Pendred Syndrome
4.  For monogenic prelingual hearing loss, _______ is the most common mode of inheritance?
  1. Y-Linked
  2. X-Linked
  3. Autosomal Dominant
  4. Autosomal Recessive
5.  In addition to hearing loss, many affected individuals with this syndrome have pigmentation disorders:
  1. Usher Syndrome
  2. Pendred Syndrome
  3. Waardenburg Syndrome
  4. Stickler Syndrome
6.  In addition to hearing loss, many affected individuals with this syndrome have visual disorders:
  1. Usher Syndrome
  2. Pendred Syndrome
  3. Waardenburg Syndrome
  4. Apert Syndrome
7.  Which one of the following genetic syndromes/diseases may be associated with Auditory Neuropathy?
  1. Marfan Syndrome
  2. Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
  3. Asperger's Syndrome
  4. Tekin Syndrome
8.  Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct is a defect that is found in which one of the following syndrome?
  1. Alport Syndrome
  2. Apert's Syndrome
  3. Stickler's Syndrome
  4. Pendred Syndrome
9.  In Pendred Syndrome, the function of two important ions are defective ___________ & ____________.
  1. Cl & I
  2. Na & K
  3. Cl & Ca
  4. Na & Cl
10.  A major defect in addition to hearing loss in Jervel, Lange-Neilson is:
  1. Pigmentation Problems
  2. Intellectual Disability
  3. Cardiac Abnormality
  4. Craniosynostosis

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