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Exam Preview

Efficient, Effective Counseling: Making the Patient Experience Memorable

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1.  Following a typical patient visit, approximately what percentage of the information is completely forgotten by the patient?
  1. 22%
  2. 50%
  3. 70%
  4. 33%
2.  Following a typical patient visit, approximately what percentage of the information is remembered incorrectly by the patient?
  1. 50%
  2. 20%
  3. 25%
  4. 100%
3.  Following a typical patient visit, approximately what percentage of the information is remembered correctly by the patient?
  1. 25%
  2. 18%
  3. 0%
  4. 42%
4.  The Primacy Effect states that:
  1. Information presented first will be best remembered and retained for long periods of time
  2. The patient should be asked to repeat every key point as soon as you say it
  3. You should only present one piece of information per counseling session
  4. Recommendations should be presented before the results
5.  The Recency Effect highlights the importance of:
  1. Calling the patient the day after the visit
  2. Repeating all information at least 3 times for it to be remembered
  3. Writing your professional report as soon as the patient leaves the office
  4. Summarizing the most important information at the end of the patient visit
6.  Which of the following factors do not affect the patient's ability to recall important information?
  1. Level of Anxiety
  2. Severity of Diagnosis
  3. Familiarity with the topic
  4. Unwelcome vs. Welcome Diagnosis
7.  What methods improve the patient's ability to remember important information?
  1. Conduct the conversation at eye level (i.e. both you and the patient are seated)
  2. Speak clearly and be aware of room lighting
  3. Eliminate jargon
  4. All of the above
8.  An efficient, effective method of presenting test results is to:
  1. Discuss each test as it is performed (e.g. Otoscopy, tymps, etc) and ask if there are questions before moving on
  2. Review all the results rapidly at the end
  3. Confirm that the patient is able to understand / read the audiogram before discussing your pure tone findings
  4. Describe all of the Normal test results first
9.  Results and Recommendations provided to the patient should be:
  1. Filled with jargon and abbreviations
  2. Communicated verbally only
  3. Clearly written (i.e. in laymen's terms) and customized for their day-to-day life to supplement verbal counseling
  4. Written generically to fit a wide range of patients and types of hearing loss
10.  Providing customized counseling summaries increases the likelihood that patients will:
  1. Remember important information from their visit
  2. Follow through with your recommendations
  3. Accurately communication their results and recommendations to a spouse/family member/caregiver
  4. All of the above

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