Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Making Sports Accessible to Student Athletes with Hearing Loss
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. Students with disabilities are______percent less likely to play sports than their peers.
2. Time Out! I Didn't Hear You - High School Edition is:
3. Youth and young adults were surveyed via Qualtrics to identify:
4. The High School edition of Time Out! I Didn't Hear You was updated to include:
5. ____ percent of high school and/or college athletes use assistive devices while playing sports:
6. Sixty percent of college athletes in this survey indicated that ____________ helped them create accommodations in college related to communication.
7. ____% of those surveyed said that their parents helped them pursue communication solutions in college:
8. _____ % of respondents to the survey indicated that they had met with the educational audiologist to discuss transitioning to college.
9. Nine percent of audiologists who responded believed that:
10. Fifty-two percent of audiologists responding: