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Exam Preview

Hearing Loss: Public Health and Consumer Perspectives

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1.  What is the primary focus in the public health approach?
  1. Publicly-funded health services such Medicaid
  2. The health of populations
  3. Cost containment
  4. The individual patient
2.  A secondary prevention approach to minimizing disability due to breast cancer would emphasize
  1. Avoiding exposure to carcinogenic chemicals
  2. Using the most effective chemotherapy in every case
  3. Encouraging women to seek screening mammography
  4. Providing support groups for women with advanced disease
3.  Which of these is a reason that the FDA might have given in its decision to permit the sale of Tylenol over-the-counter?
  1. Tylenol does not cause harm to human health
  2. Tylenol is never prescribed by clinicians
  3. Tylenol causes liver damage frequently
  4. The total population benefit of offering Tylenol over-the-counter for pain relief is greater than the total population risk of liver damage due to offering Tylenol over-the-counter
4.  Which of the following is NOT a key element of the consumer perspective?
  1. Concern about climate change
  2. Concern about device quality
  3. Concern about device safety
  4. Concern about device cost
5.  Which of the following was NOT a way that hearing aids were fitted, in the Humes et al study.
  1. According to audiology best practices
  2. Self-fit
  3. Fit with the assistance of a peer who had hearing loss
  4. None of the above: all of these methods were used in the Humes et al study
6.  In the Humes et al study
  1. Subjects with worse hearing were more likely to get their hearing aids fit according to audiology best practices
  2. All subjects had moderate to severe hearing loss
  3. Subjects chose whether they preferred to have hearing aids self-fit, or fit according to best practices
  4. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive either: fit by audiology best practices, self-fit, or receipt of a placebo hearing aid.
7.  In the Humes et al study, scores on the Profile of Hearing Aid benefit were
  1. Greater in the placebo group then the best practices group
  2. Better in the best practices group than the placebo group
  3. The only outcome measured
  4. Greater in the placebo group than either the best practices or self-fit group
8.  For a consumer, which is NOT an element of informed choice?
  1. Knowledge about risks
  2. Knowledge about safety
  3. Knowledge about cost
  4. Detailed clinical knowledge
9.  The Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2017 will become law:
  1. during the House-Senate conference process
  2. after the President signs it
  3. when the Supreme Court votes on it
  4. never - it has been defeated by lobbying
10.  If the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act becomes law, audiologists will have an opportunity to comment on and influence FDA regulation of the hearing aid market
  1. During the House-Senate conference process
  2. After the President signs it
  3. After the publication of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
  4. Never; members of the audiology profession will have no opportunity to comment or influence.

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