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Rethinking Your Audiology Test Battery

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1.  The goal of US early hearing detection and intervention programs is hearing screening before age _______, appropriate audiological follow up before age _______, and delivery of intervention services if applicable before age ______.
  1. 1 year/3 years/6 years
  2. 1 week/3 weeks/6 weeks
  3. 1 month/3 months/6 months
  4. 6 months/9 months/1 year
2.  Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for childhood hearing loss?
  1. Family history of hearing loss
  2. Intensive care stay of more than 5 days
  3. Birth weight over 8 pounds
  4. Craniofacial anomalies
3.  Advantages of using otoacoustic emission (OAE) measures in preschool hearing screening include all of the following except:
  1. Long test times
  2. Objective measure; behavioral response is not required
  3. Equipment is portable and testing can be done in typical school or office settings
  4. Results are not affected by listener variables such as age, cognitive status, etc.
4.  Tympanometry testing:
  1. Is not recommended with the preschool population as results are not reliable
  2. Is recommended for all preschoolers who undergo hearing screening, regardless of OAE results
  3. Is recommended for preschoolers who do not pass the initial OAE screening as part of a hearing screening protocol
  4. Is not part of any hearing screening or follow up protocol
5.  Acoustic reflex testing:
  1. Should not be performed with preschoolers as the noise will scare them and they will likely not participate in further audiological testing
  2. Should only be performed to confirm suspected conductive hearing loss following tympanometry
  3. Should be performed with pure tone stimuli in infants and preschoolers
  4. Should be performed using a broadband noise stimulus as a follow up when sensory loss is suspected
6.  Surveys of audiology practice have NOT found widespread clinical application of which one of the following tests?
  1. Air conduction pure tone audiometry
  2. Bone conduction pure tone audiometry
  3. Word recognition in quiet
  4. Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs)
7.  Which one of the following statements describes the term "best practice"?
  1. Practice according to Katz Handbook of Clinical Audiology
  2. Practice of performing air and bone conduction audiometry with all patients
  3. Evidence-based practice
  4. Practice as implemented by James Jerger
8.  A simple explanation of "standard of care" is:
  1. Billing for all test procedures
  2. Following preceptor recommendations
  3. Following clinical practice guidelines
  4. Consistency with local audiology practice
9.  Which of the following is a traditional behavioral audiometry procedures that is not always a value-added test?
  1. Bone conduction pure tone audiometry
  2. Tympanometry
  3. Acoustic reflexes
  4. Otoacoustic emissions
10.  Which one of the following procedures adds most value to diagnosis of a patient at risk for middle ear disorder?
  1. Speech reception threshold
  2. Word recognition in quiet at 40 dB SL
  3. Aural immittance measures
  4. Air conduction audiometry
11.  Which one of the following combinations of tests is most useful in identification of auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder in young children?
  1. Air and bone conduction pure tone audiometry
  2. Speech detection and speech reception thresholds
  3. Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) and acoustic reflexes
  4. Otoscopy and tympanometry
12.  Which of the following tests is most likely to yield abnormal findings in a patient with auditory processing disorder?
  1. Air conduction pure tone audiometry
  2. Bone conduction pure tone audiometry
  3. Speech reception thresholds
  4. Dichotic listening test
13.  Which of the following tests is most likely to yield normal findings in a patient with a mild degree of conductive hearing loss?
  1. Air conduction pure tone audiometry
  2. Tympanometry
  3. Word recognition in quiet
  4. Otoacoustic emissions
14.  Which of the following tests is most likely to yield diagnostic value in a patient with bothersome tinnitus yet normal hearing sensitivity?
  1. Air conduction pure tone audiometry
  2. Bone conduction pure tone audiometry
  3. Otoacoustic emissions
  4. Speech reception thresholds
15.  Which of the following tests is most likely to yield information important for management of an adult patient (e.g., at a VA audiology service) who complains of difficulty hearing in background noise?
  1. Air conduction pure tone audiometry
  2. A test of speech perception in noise
  3. Word recognition in quiet
  4. Speech reception thresholds

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