Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Rethinking Your Audiology Test Battery
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. The goal of US early hearing detection and intervention programs is hearing screening before age _______, appropriate audiological follow up before age _______, and delivery of intervention services if applicable before age ______.
2. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for childhood hearing loss?
3. Advantages of using otoacoustic emission (OAE) measures in preschool hearing screening include all of the following except:
4. Tympanometry testing:
5. Acoustic reflex testing:
6. Surveys of audiology practice have NOT found widespread clinical application of which one of the following tests?
7. Which one of the following statements describes the term "best practice"?
8. A simple explanation of "standard of care" is:
9. Which of the following is a traditional behavioral audiometry procedures that is not always a value-added test?
10. Which one of the following procedures adds most value to diagnosis of a patient at risk for middle ear disorder?
11. Which one of the following combinations of tests is most useful in identification of auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder in young children?
12. Which of the following tests is most likely to yield abnormal findings in a patient with auditory processing disorder?
13. Which of the following tests is most likely to yield normal findings in a patient with a mild degree of conductive hearing loss?
14. Which of the following tests is most likely to yield diagnostic value in a patient with bothersome tinnitus yet normal hearing sensitivity?
15. Which of the following tests is most likely to yield information important for management of an adult patient (e.g., at a VA audiology service) who complains of difficulty hearing in background noise?