Exam Preview
Exam Preview
20Q: Preschool Hearing Screening is Essential for Early Identification of Childhood Hearing Loss
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. The goal of US early hearing detection and intervention programs is hearing screening before age _______, appropriate audiological follow up before age _______, and delivery of intervention services if applicable before age ______.
2. Although universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) in the US only misses ______% of newborns, the actual number of infants who do not undergo screening may be significant in states with a large number of births.
3. A reason why infants who obtain a "refer" result on a newborn hearing screening do not follow up is:
4. If EHDI programs screened 100% of babies, and 100% of those who obtained a "refer" result followed up, then:
5. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for childhood hearing loss?
6. Reliance on only behavioral pure tone screening for preschool hearing screening is not recommended for many reasons, including:
7. Advantages of using otoacoustic emission (OAE) measures in preschool hearing screening include all of the following except:
8. When analyzing OAE results for the purpose of preschool hearing screening, it is recommended to use two criteria to determine pass/fail: the relative difference between OAE amplitude versus noise floor levels, and the absolute OAE amplitude. Using these two criteria:
9. Tympanometry testing:
10. Acoustic reflex testing in young children: