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Exam Preview
20Q: Rehabilitative Audiology - Remaining Competitive in a Changing Hearing Healthcare Environment
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. Customized hearing healthcare refers to:
2. Dr. Tye-Murray recommends that hearing healthcare be comprised of these four key elements:
3. According to the author, one way that hearing healthcare can be appropriately customized is to:
4. According to the author, newsletters and support groups:
5. Offering a customized auditory training program:
6. In regard to auditory training, using a Transfer Processing Appropriate Framework refers to:
7. According to the author, auditory training programs should include outcome measures that look at:
8. The clEAR program uses the following stimuli in auditory training:
9. According to the author, auditory training is most effective when:
10. According to the author, one way that customized auditory training might apply to children: